哪些包可以在 LaTex 中绘制图表

哪些包可以在 LaTex 中绘制图表



但我不知道该使用哪些包,甚至不知道是否可以使用例如 TikZ 来做这样的事情。



这是使用纯 实现的一种方法tikz。最初我计划使用嵌套矩阵创建它,直到我意识到到目前为止还不支持它tikzpdflatex: You cannot nest pgfmatrix environments, yet)。因此,我尝试使用一些辅助坐标通过更多的 tikz 代码重新创建表格外观。



\documentclass[tikz, border=6mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc, fit, matrix, decorations.pathreplacing}

 \begin{tikzpicture}[every matrix/.style={matrix of nodes, nodes in empty cells, draw}]
   %%% First row
   \matrix[label={0:$= M$}] (m1_1) {
     |(a1)| 106 & |(a2)| 429 & |(b1)| 032 & |(b2)| 375  \\
     277 & 398 & 345 & 492 \\

    % Braces over first matrix
    \draw [decorate, decoration={raise=.5cm, brace}](a1.west) -- (a2.east) node [midway, yshift=.75cm] {$A$};
    \draw [decorate, decoration={raise=.5cm, brace}](b1.west) -- (b2.east) node [midway, yshift=.75cm] {$B$};

    \matrix[right=of m1_1, label={0:$= P_1$}] (m1_2) {
        469 & 487 \\
        312 & 001 \\

    \matrix[right=of m1_2, label={0:$= P_2$}] (m1_3) {
        355 & 469 \\
        398 & 492 \\

    \matrix[right=of m1_3, label={0:$= \Delta$}] (m1_4) {
        443 & 000 \\
        000 & 503 \\

    \matrix[right=of m1_4, label={0:$= D_1$}] (m1_5) {
        +1 & -1 \\
        -1 & +1 \\

    \matrix[right=of m1_5, label={0:$= D_2$}] (m1_6) {
        +64 & +0 \\
        -1 & +64 \\

    \node [right=2cm of m1_6] (rand1) {Random Text};

    %%% Second row
    \matrix[below=of m1_1, label={0:$= P_1$}] (m2_1) {
        179 & 109 & 152 & 242 \\
        005 & 349 & 430 & 267 \\

    \matrix[below=.5cm of m2_1, label={0:$= P_2$}] (m2_2) {
        302 & 307 & 411 & 215 \\
        290 & 295 & 126 & 043 \\

    \matrix[right=3cm of m2_1, label={0:$= D_1$}] (m2_3) {
        443 & -503 \\
        -443 & 503 \\

    \matrix[below=.5cm of m2_3, label={0:$= D_2$}] (m2_4) {
        218 & 000 \\
        -443 & 411 \\

    \matrix[right=3cm of m2_3, label={0:$= M'_1$}] (m2_5) {
        179 & 109 & 152\textbf{+443} & 242\textbf{-503} \\
        005 & 349 & 430\textbf{-443} & 267\textbf{+503} \\

    \matrix[below=.5cm of m2_5, label={0:$= M'_2$}] (m2_6) {
        302 & 307 & |(m262)| 193\textbf{+218} & 215\textbf{+000} \\
        290 & 295 & 126\textbf{-443} & 043\textbf{+411} \\

    \node [below=2.5cm of rand1] (rand2) {Random Text};

    %%% Third row
    \matrix[below right=1cm and -2.5cm of m2_2, label={180:$M'_1 =$}] (m3_1) {
        179 & 109 & 074 & 260 \\
        005 & 349 & 508 & 249 \\

    \matrix[below=.5cm of m3_1, label={180:$M'_2 =$}] (m3_2) {
        302 & 307 & |(m323)| 411 & 215 \\
        290 & 295 & 204 & 451 \\

    \matrix[right=8cm of m3_1, label={0:$= M_1$}] (m3_5) {
        179 & 109 & 074 & 260 \\
        005 & 349 & 508 & 249 \\

    \matrix[below=.5cm of m3_5, label={0:$= M_2$}] (m3_6) {
        302 & 307 & 411 & 215 \\
        290 & 295 & 204 & 451 \\

    \coordinate (helper_l) at ($(m3_1)!.5!(m3_2)$);
    \coordinate (helper_r) at ($(m3_5)!.5!(m3_6)$);
    \coordinate (helper) at ($(helper_l)!.5!(helper_r)$);

    \matrix at (helper) (m3_3) {
        |(n11)| 1 & |(n12)| 2 & |(n13)| 3 & |(n14)| 4 \\
        & & & \\ & & & \\   & & & \\ & & & \\   & & & \\    & & & \\    & & & \\
        |(n21)| 1 & |(n22)| 2 & |(n23)| 3 & |(n24)| 4 \\

    \node [below=3.5cm of rand2] (rand3) {Random Text};

        \foreach \x\y in {11/23,12/21,13/24,14/22} \draw [->] (n\x) -- (n\y);
        \foreach \x in {m3_1,m3_2} \draw [->] (\x) -- (\x-|m3_3.west);
        \foreach \x in {m3_5,m3_6} \draw [<-] (\x) -- (\x-|m3_3.east);

        \draw [red, thick, ->] (m262) to [in=90, out=125] (m323);

    \begin{scope}[thick] % fake table
        \node [fit=(m1_1) (m3_6) (rand3), draw, inner sep=1cm, rounded corners] (bg) {};
        \coordinate (helper_1) at ($(m2_1)!.5!(m1_2)$); 
        \coordinate (helper_2) at ($(m3_1)!.5!(m2_2)$);
        \coordinate (helper_3) at ($(rand2.west)+(-.5,0)$);
        \draw (bg.west|-helper_1) -- (helper_1) -- (helper_1-|bg.east);
        \draw (bg.west|-helper_2) -- (helper_2) -- (helper_2-|bg.east);
        \draw (bg.north-|helper_3) -- (helper_3) -- (helper_3|-bg.south);

渲染代码: 渲染图像

[编辑] 更新以调整图像大小



\adjustbox{width=.5\textwidth}{ % or use width=5cm, etc.

