编辑:我根据@moewe 的建议将其修改为单独的问答。
(A. Poole 编辑)。
编辑:A. Poole
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Location = {Ithaca, NY}, % Edit (Changed)
Publisher = {Cornell Lab of Ornithology}, % Edit (Changed)
Author = {Johnson, Richard E. and Hendricks, P. and Pattie, D. L. and Hunter, K. B.},
Editor = {Poole, A.},
Booktitle = {The birds of North America online},
Title = {Brown-capped rosy-finch (\textit{{Leucosticte} australis})},
url = {http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/536},
Year = {2000}}
%% ===== Diversity and Distributions Bibliography Style===================
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%% =================================================
Test cite \parencite{johnson2000brown}.
Johnson, RE, Hendricks, P., Pattie, DL & Hunter, KB (2000) 棕顶玫瑰雀 (澳洲白点藻)。北美鸟类在线。A. Poole 编。纽约州伊萨卡:康奈尔鸟类学实验室。可从以下网址获取:http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/536。
Johnson, RE, Hendricks, P., Pattie, DL & Hunter, KB (2000) 棕顶玫瑰雀 (澳洲白点藻)。北美鸟类在线(A. Poole 编)。纽约州伊萨卡:康奈尔鸟类学实验室。可从以下网址获取: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/536。
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Location = {Ithaca, NY}, % Edit (Changed)
Publisher = {Cornell Lab of Ornithology}, % Edit (Changed)
Author = {Johnson, Richard E. and Hendricks, P. and Pattie, D. L. and Hunter, K. B.},
Editor = {Poole, A.},
Booktitle = {The birds of North America online},
Title = {Brown-capped rosy-finch (\textit{{Leucosticte} australis})},
url = {http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/536},
Year = {2000}}
Location = {Ithaca, NY}, % Edit (Changed)
Publisher = {Cornell Lab of Ornithology}, % Edit (Changed)
Author = {Johnson, Richard E. and Hendricks, P. and Pattie, D. L. and Hunter, K. B.},
Booktitle = {The birds of North America online},
Title = {Brown-capped rosy-finch (\textit{{Leucosticte} australis})},
url = {http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/536},
Year = {2000}}
translator = {Poole, A.},
Location = {Ithaca, NY}, % Edit (Changed)
Publisher = {Cornell Lab of Ornithology}, % Edit (Changed)
Author = {Johnson, Richard E. and Hendricks, P. and Pattie, D. L. and Hunter, K. B.},
Booktitle = {The birds of North America online},
Title = {Brown-capped rosy-finch (\textit{{Leucosticte} australis})},
url = {http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/536},
Year = {2000}}
urlseen = {accessed}
urlseen = {accessed},
url = {Available at:}
Test cite \parencite{johnson2000brown,johnson2000brown1,johnson2000brown2}.
我只想修改前一个答案中的一件事,但它需要一些解释,所以我不能只编辑 Moewe 的帖子,而且相对于biblatex
考虑以下 MWE:
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Location = {Ithaca, NY},
Publisher = {Cornell Lab of Ornithology},
Author = {Johnson, Richard E. and Hendricks, P. and Pattie, D. L. and Hunter, K. B.},
Editor = {Poole, A.},
Booktitle = {The birds of North America online},
Title = {Brown-capped rosy-finch (\textit{{Leucosticte} australis})},
url = {http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/536},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Villoing, Florence and Desmets, Marianne},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
Date = {2009},
Title = {French {VN} Lexemes: Morphological Compounding in {HPSG}},
Editor = {Müller, Stefan},
Location = {Stanford},
Publisher = {CSLI},
Pages = {89--109},
Venue = {Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen}}
Author = {Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Levin, Beth},
Year = {1992},
Journaltitle = {Syntax and Semantics},
Title = {\textit{-er} Nominals: Implications for the Theory of Argument Structure},
Editor = {Stowell, Tim and Wehrli, Eric},
Issuetitle = {Syntax and the Lexicon},
Pages = {127--153},
Volume = {26}}
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Location = {Ithaca, NY},
Publisher = {Cornell Lab of Ornithology},
Author = {Johnson, Richard E. and Hendricks, P. and Pattie, D. L. and Hunter, K. B.},
Editor = {Poole, A.},
Booktitle = {The birds of North America online},
Title = {Brown-capped rosy-finch (\textit{{Leucosticte} australis})},
url = {http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/536},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Villoing, Florence and Desmets, Marianne},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
Date = {2009},
Title = {French {VN} Lexemes: Morphological Compounding in {HPSG}},
Editor = {Müller, Stefan},
Location = {Stanford},
Publisher = {CSLI},
Pages = {89--109},
Venue = {Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen}}
Author = {Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Levin, Beth},
Year = {1992},
Journaltitle = {Syntax and Semantics},
Title = {\textit{-er} Nominals: Implications for the Theory of Argument Structure},
Editor = {Stowell, Tim and Wehrli, Eric},
Issuetitle = {Syntax and the Lexicon},
Pages = {127--153},
Volume = {26}}
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Location = {Ithaca, NY},
Publisher = {Cornell Lab of Ornithology},
Author = {Johnson, Richard E. and Hendricks, P. and Pattie, D. L. and Hunter, K. B.},
Editor = {Poole, A.},
Booktitle = {The birds of North America online},
Title = {Brown-capped rosy-finch (\textit{{Leucosticte} australis})},
url = {http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/536},
Year = {2000}}
Author = {Villoing, Florence and Desmets, Marianne},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar},
Date = {2009},
Title = {French {VN} Lexemes: Morphological Compounding in {HPSG}},
Editor = {Müller, Stefan},
Location = {Stanford},
Publisher = {CSLI},
Pages = {89--109},
Venue = {Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen}}
Author = {Rappaport Hovav, Malka and Levin, Beth},
Year = {1992},
Journaltitle = {Syntax and Semantics},
Title = {\textit{-er} Nominals: Implications for the Theory of Argument Structure},
Editor = {Stowell, Tim and Wehrli, Eric},
Issuetitle = {Syntax and the Lexicon},
Pages = {127--153},
Volume = {26}}
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