使用 biblatex 对作者索引进行排序,删除字母组标题

使用 biblatex 对作者索引进行排序,删除字母组标题

这是 MWE。一旦我在调用 imakeidx 时添加了 [xindy],排序就固定了。但现在 xindy 将字母标题放到每个组中。我该如何摆脱它们?





  author = {Author},
  title = {MyBook A},
  date = {2000}
  author = {Author},
  title = {MyBook B},
  date = {2000}

  Author =       {Morris, Saul S. and Cogill, Bruce and Uauy, Ricardo},
  Journal =      {The Lancet},
  Number =       9612,
  Pages =        {608--21},
  Title =        {Effective international action against
                  undernutrition: Why has it proven so difficult and
                  what can be done to accelerate progress?},
  Volume =       371,
  Year =         2008

  Author =       {Biber, F. Z{\"u}mr{\"u}t and {\"U}nak, Perihan and
                  Yurt, Fatma},
  sortname =    {Biber, F. Zumrut and Unak, Perihan and Yurt, Fatma},
  Doi =          {10.1080/10256010208033316},
  Journal =      {Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies},
  Number =       2,
  Pages =        {87--93},
  Title =        {Stability of iodine content in iodized salt},
  Volume =       38,
  Year =         2002,
  Bdsk-Url-1 =   {dx.doi.org/10.1080/10256010208033316}

  Author =       {Wang, Dong D. and Leung, Cindy W. and Li, Yanping and
                  Ding, Eric L. and Chiuve, Stephanie E. and Hu, Frank B.
                  and Willett, Walter C.},
  Journal =      {JAMA Internal Medicine},
  Number =       10,
  Pages =        {1587--95},
  Timestamp =    {2015.02.27},
  Title =        {Trends in dietary quality among adults in the
                  {U}nited {S}tates: 1999 through 2010},
  Volume =       174,
  Year =         2014






xelatex -interaction nonstopmode mwebib
biber mwebib
xelatex -interaction nonstopmode mwebib
xindy -M texindy -M page-ranges -L Turkish -C utf8 mwebib.idx
xelatex -interaction nonstopmode mwebib
xelatex -interaction nonstopmode mwebib



如果将 {\"U}nak 排序为 Unak,并且没有为参考书目中的字母组提供标题,那就更好了。


Opening logfile "/dev/null" (done)
Reading indexstyle...
Loading module "/var/folders/hj/hqfjch716qg5php160jbtfgh0000gn/T/z2uZtkJFip"...
Loading module "lang/Turkish/utf8-lang.xdy"...
Loading module "lang/turkish/utf8.xdy"...
Finished loading module "lang/turkish/utf8.xdy".
Finished loading module "lang/Turkish/utf8-lang.xdy".
Loading module "texindy.xdy"...
Loading module "numeric-sort.xdy"...
Finished loading module "numeric-sort.xdy".
Loading module "latex.xdy"...
Loading module "tex.xdy"...
Finished loading module "tex.xdy".
Finished loading module "latex.xdy".
Loading module "latex-loc-fmts.xdy"...
Finished loading module "latex-loc-fmts.xdy".
Loading module "makeindex.xdy"...
Finished loading module "makeindex.xdy".
Loading module "latin-lettergroups.xdy"...
Finished loading module "latin-lettergroups.xdy".
Finished loading module "texindy.xdy".
Loading module "page-ranges.xdy"...
Finished loading module "page-ranges.xdy".
Finished loading module "/var/folders/hj/hqfjch716qg5php160jbtfgh0000gn/T/z2uZtkJFip".
Finished reading indexstyle.
Finalizing indexstyle... (done)

Reading raw-index "/var/folders/hj/hqfjch716qg5php160jbtfgh0000gn/T/tD8Zga0_Dw"...
Finished reading raw-index.

Processing index... [10%] [20%] [30%] [40%] [50%] [60%] [70%] [80%] [90%] [100%]
Finished processing index.

Writing markup... [10%] [20%] [30%] [40%] [50%] [60%] [70%] [80%] [90%] [100%]
Markup written into file "./mwebib.ind".


正如其他人所说,我用我的 MacTeX2015 获得了 U 和 Ü 的正确分组。为了删除标题,您只需重新定义\lettergroup样式文件中的命令。在这种情况下,您可以决定这\lettergroup只是一个\par命令。

% arara: xelatex
% arara: biber
% arara: xelatex: {shell : yes}
% arara: xelatex



\makeindex[program=xindy,options= -C utf8 -M indexstyle]

  author = {Author},
  title = {MyBook A},
  date = {2000}
  author = {Author},
  title = {MyBook B},
  date = {2000}

  Author =       {Morris, Saul S. and Cogill, Bruce and Uauy, Ricardo},
  Journal =      {The Lancet},
  Number =       9612,
  Pages =        {608--21},
  Title =        {Effective international action against
                  undernutrition: Why has it proven so difficult and
                  what can be done to accelerate progress?},
  Volume =       371,
  Year =         2008

  Author =       {Biber, F. Z{\"u}mr{\"u}t and {\"U}nak, Perihan and
                  Yurt, Fatma},
  sortname =    {Biber, F. Zumrut and Unak, Perihan and Yurt, Fatma},
  Doi =          {10.1080/10256010208033316},
  Journal =      {Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies},
  Number =       2,
  Pages =        {87--93},
  Title =        {Stability of iodine content in iodized salt},
  Volume =       38,
  Year =         2002,
  Bdsk-Url-1 =   {dx.doi.org/10.1080/10256010208033316}

  Author =       {Wang, Dong D. and Leung, Cindy W. and Li, Yanping and
                  Ding, Eric L. and Chiuve, Stephanie E. and Hu, Frank B.
                  and Willett, Walter C.},
  Journal =      {JAMA Internal Medicine},
  Number =       10,
  Pages =        {1587--95},
  Timestamp =    {2015.02.27},
  Title =        {Trends in dietary quality among adults in the
                  {U}nited {S}tates: 1999 through 2010},
  Volume =       174,
  Year =         2014
(markup-index :open  "\begin{theindex}~n
          :close "~n~n\end{theindex}~n"

(markup-locclass-list :open "\dotfill " :sep ", ")

;; delim_n <string>         ", "

(markup-locref-list   :sep ", ")

;; delim_r <string>         "--"

(markup-range :sep "--")

;; Local Variables:
;; mode: lisp
;; End:





