\CVItem{Fewer columns}
\item Now more words will fit
\item because fewer columns
\item means each one is wider
\item and each line is longer.
\CVItem{Single column}
\item Now even more words can be fitted per item within the list.
% LaTeX Template: Designer's CV
% Source: http://www.howtotex.com
% Feel free to distribute this example, but please keep the referral
% to HowToTeX.com
% Date: March 2012
% Modified by Lim Lian Tze to support multiple pages using fix provided at
% http://www.howtotex.com/templates/creating-a-designers-cv-in-latex/
% Date: November 2014
% How to use writeLaTeX:
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% Document properties and packages
% misc
\renewcommand{\familydefault}{bch} % font
\pagestyle{empty} % no pagenumbering
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % no paragraph indentation
% required packages (add your own)
\usepackage{flowfram} % column layout
\usepackage[top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm]{geometry}% margins
\usepackage{graphicx} % figures
\usepackage{url} % URLs
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % color
\usepackage{multicol} % columns env.
\usepackage{paralist} % compact lists
% Create column layout
% define length commands
% left frame
% small static frame for the vertical line
% content of the static frame
\draw[loosely dotted,color=RoyalBlue,line width=1.5pt,yshift=0]
(0,0) -- (0,\textheight);}%
% right frame
% define macros (for convience)
{\ignorespaces\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} About me}}
{\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} #1}}
Johnathan S. Doe \\
\url{[email protected]} \\
\url{www.website.com} \\
(555) 555-3333
\Huge\bfseries {\color{RoyalBlue} John Doe} \\
\Large\bfseries Graphics designer \\
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vel bibendum metus. Proin rutrum pharetra molestie. Cras sollicitudin nulla nec leo lobortis in tristique purus pretium. Ut eu felis nulla. Pellentesque condimentum justo ut ligula feugiat nec facilisis tellus ultricies. Nullam sit amet dictum ipsum. Sed lacus neque, hendrerit eu rhoncus nec, pellentesque vitae sem.
\item Lorem
\item Ipsum
\CVItem{Computer software}
\item Lorem
\item Ipsum
\item Dolor
\item Sit
\item Amet
\item Consectetur
\item Adipiscing
\item Elit
\item \ldots
\CVItem{Fewer columns}
\item Now more words will fit
\item because fewer columns
\item means each one is wider
\item and each line is longer.
\CVItem{Single column}
\item Now even more words can be fitted per item within the list.
但是,如果我在 Overleaf 上编译它(将我的 cat 替换为example-image-a
我猜这是因为我使用的是最新的 TeX Live 发行版,而 Overleaf 不是。也就是说,TeX Live 2013 和 TeX Live 2014 的最终冻结版本在我的计算机上产生了正确的输出。所以也许我对这个问题的看法是错误的。
很明显,这是 Overleaf 某处的一个错误 - 要么是有缺陷的软件包,要么是他们编译过程中的产物。