根据我上次的评论问题我尝试使用 创建新命令\NewDocumentCommand
。但是,它无法识别某些可选参数 - 它们只是按原样打印。知道原因和解决方法吗?
\usepackage{tabularx} % Til tabeller der tilpaser sig i bredden
\usepackage{xifthen} % Used to test if an argument is empty
\usepackage{datetime} % Used to format dates
\edef\@currentlabel{#1}% Set target label
\phantomsection% Correct hyper reference link
#1\label{#2}% Print and store label
Navn: & #2 & #4 & $\Re$\\
\IfNoValueTF{#1#3}{}{&&\IfNoValueTF{#5}{\IfNoValueTF{#6}{}{#6 & \cross}}{#5 & $\star$ \IfNoValueTF{#6}{}{\\&& #6 & \cross}}}
% 1) The argument to test
% 2) If empty then do this
% 3) If not empty then do this
\rule[1ex]{1ex}{#1}\cr% Horizontal bar
\hss\rule{#1}{.7em}\hss\cr}% Vertical bar
\subsection{Else Jensen}
[Else Jensen]
- 参数 5 和 6 的接口被误用和交换
\IfNoValueTF{#1#3} is wrong -- the
\IfNoValueTF` 宏仅适用于一个可选参数,不适用于它们的组合- 参数之间必须有换行符!
\usepackage{tabularx} % Til tabeller der tilpaser sig i bredden
\usepackage{xifthen} % Used to test if an argument is empty
\usepackage{datetime} % Used to format dates
\edef\@currentlabel{#1}% Set target label
\phantomsection% Correct hyper reference link
#1\label{#2}% Print and store label
Navn: & #2 & #4 & $\Re$\\
\IfNoValueTF{#1}{}{&&\IfNoValueTF{#5}{\IfNoValueTF{#6}{}{#6 & \cross}}{#5 & $\star$ \IfNoValueTF{#6}{}{\\&& #6 & \cross}}}
% ...
% 1) The argument to test
% 2) If empty then do this
% 3) If not empty then do this
\rule[1ex]{1ex}{#1}\cr% Horizontal bar
\hss\rule{#1}{.7em}\hss\cr}% Vertical bar
\subsection{Else Jensen}
\createPersonNew[else]{Else1940}[Else Jensen]{340}[\printLongDate[12]<01>[1963]]<