我正在使用 Texniccenter,由于图片标题中缺少 { 而出现错误,尽管一切看起来都很好

我正在使用 Texniccenter,由于图片标题中缺少 { 而出现错误,尽管一切看起来都很好


\caption{Schematic of band alignment due to the contact formation between
metal and n-type semiconductor. Here, $\phi_{MS}$ is the difference of
metal work function ($\phi_M$) and semiconductor work function ($\phi_S$),
E$_F$ is the Fermi energy level of metal, E$_F$ is the Fermi energy level
of semiconductor, E$_C$ is the the conduction band (CB) minima, E$_V$ is
the valence band (VB) maxima and  $\phi_S^'$ is Shottky barrier
height  [Piprek\cite{AB2}].}


\addvspace {10\p@ }
\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {1.1}{\ignorespaces Schematic of band
alignment due to the contact formation between metal and n-type
semiconductor. Here, $\phi _{MS}$ is the difference of metal work function
($\phi _M$) and semiconductor work function ($\phi _S$), E$_F$ is the
Fermi energy level of metal, E$_F$ is the Fermi energy level of
semiconductor, E$_C$ is the the conduction band (CB) minima, E$_V$ is the
valence band (VB) maxima and $\phi _S^'$ is Shottky barrier height
[Piprek\cite {AB2}].}}{6}{figure.1.1}



问题出在 上。LaTeX 在数学模式下将撇号解释为上标素数,因此和$\phi_S^'$之间没有区别。因此,如果您写,它将被解释为,这是一个双上标并导致您得到的错误。\phi_S'\phi_S^\prime\phi_S^'\phi_S^^\prime


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