向 IEEE Latex 文档添加行号

向 IEEE Latex 文档添加行号

我想在 IEEE 论文样式中添加行号。我尝试过使用不同的方法,但都没有成功。例如,当\usepackage[switch,columnwise]{lineno}我使用公式时,行号会丢失。



\title{\huge LINE NUMBER TEST}
\thanks{FIRST LAST, IS WITH INSTITUTE OF TEST (e-mail: [email protected]).} }
\markboth{JOURNAL OF TEST}%
{Shell \MakeLowercase{\textit{et al.}}: Bare Demo of IEEEtran.cls for Journals}
This is for testing the appearance of line number. This is for testing the appearance of line number. 
\IEEEPARstart{L}{line} number (LN) in draft paper is a good option to locate exactly where you want. It helps you to find specific information in short time. Line number in draft paper is a good option to locate exactly where you want. It helps you to find specific information in short time. Line number in draft paper is a good option to locate exactly where you want. It helps you to find specific information in short time.
Line number in draft paper is a good option to locate exactly where you want. It helps you to find specific information in short time. Line number in draft paper is a good option to locate exactly where you want. It helps you to find specific information in short time.
Line number in draft paper is a good option to locate exactly where you want. It helps you to find specific information in short time. Line number in draft paper is a good option to locate exactly where you want. It helps you to find specific information in short time.


IEEE 的peerreview选项似乎与选项不兼容two-column。在这种情况下,该lineno包可以解决问题。

\documentclass[twocolumn, journal]{IEEEtran}




(致谢Mico 的帖子以获得解决方案)


只需添加选项peereviewpeerreviewca,您就会得到可能适合您需求的东西。根据如何使用 IEEEtran LATEX 类(IEEEtran 手册),


\documentclass[journal,onecolumn,12pt, peerreview]{IEEEtran}



MWE 将是:

\documentclass[peerreview]{IEEEtran} % The critical option here is peerreview
\usepackage{lineno} % To obtain line numbers
\usepackage{lipsum} % Just for the demo, you can safely remove it.
\linenumbers % Lineno command, turn on line numbering.
\title{All I Know About Trains}
  23 = 12 + 11



否则你可以尝试在 pdf 文件中添加行号的方法,而不是在编译期间。
