如何使用 \makecell 将表格中的文本左对齐

如何使用 \makecell 将表格中的文本左对齐


\caption{Main Notations}
\textbf{Notation} & \textbf{Meaning} \\
$Pmd$ & local probability of misdetection \\
$P_{d}$ & local probability of detection \\
$Pfa$ & probability of false alarm \\
$Ppu$ & signal \\
$P_b$ & broadcast \\
$N_{gd}$ & node 1  \\
$N_{ln}$ & Total number of node \\
$h_{gd1}$ & \makecell{h number when majority of the nodes \\ in a topology gives a decision `1' when PU is present} \\ 




\usepackage{array, tabularx, caption, boldline}


  \caption{Main Notations}
    \textbf{Notation} & \textbf{Meaning} \\
    $P_{md}$ & local probability of misdetection \\
    $P_{d}$ & local probability of detection \\
    $P_{fa}$ & probability of false alarm \\
    $P_{pu}$ & signal \\
    $P_b$ & broadcast \\
    $N_{gd}$ & node 1 \\
    $N_{ln}$ & Total number of node \\
    $h_{gd1}$ & {h number when majority of the nodes in a topology gives a decision `1' when PU is present} \\

  \caption{Main Notations}
    \textbf{Notation} & \textbf{Meaning} \\
    $P_{md}$ & local probability of misdetection \\
    $P_{d}$ & local probability of detection \\
    $P_{fa}$ & probability of false alarm \\
    $P_{pu}$ & signal \\
    $P_b$ & broadcast \\
    $N_{gd}$ & node 1 \\
    $N_{ln}$ & Total number of node \\
    $h_{gd1}$ & {h number when majority of the nodes in a topology gives a decision `1' when PU is present}




我建议您使用具有“开放”外观的表格,方法是删除所有垂直规则、大多数水平规则,并使用booktabs-- 、 和 -- 包\toprule\midrule规则绘制宏\bottomrule来绘制剩余的水平线。我建议您使用一个环境,其整体宽度可以直接设置为所需的宽度(此处为 9 厘米)\resizebox,而不是使用 来实现 9 厘米的表格宽度。tabularx





\caption{Main Notations}
\begin{tabularx}{9cm}{@{} lY @{}}
\textbf{Notation} & \textbf{Meaning} \\
$P_{md}$ & local probability of misdetection \\
$P_{d}$  & local probability of detection \\
$P_{fa}$ & probability of false alarm \\
$P_{pu}$ & signal \\
$P_b$    & broadcast \\
$N_{gd}$ & node 1  \\
$N_{ln}$ & Total number of nodes \\
$h_{gd1}$& $h$ number when majority of nodes in a topology 
           gives decision ``1'' when PU is present \\ 



这是从 makecell 的文档中复制的包裹对我来说效果很好。这是针对所有可能性的文本对齐示例。

Cell text & 28--31\\
\makecell{Multilined \\ cell text} & 28--31\\
\makecell[l]{Left aligned \\ cell text} & 37--43\\
\makecell*[r]{Right aligned \\ cell text} & 37--43\\
\makecell[b]{Bottom aligned \\ cell text} & 52--58\\
\makecell*[{{p{3cm}}}]{Cell long text with predefined width} & 52--58\\
\makecell[{{>{\parindent1em}p{3cm}}}]{Cell long...} & 52--58\\


如今,当有可用包tabularray(版本 2022A)时,可以使用以下简单代码编写该表,而无需使用该makecell包:


\caption{Main Notations}
  \begin{tblr}{hlines, vlines,
               colspec = {Q[l, mode=math]
               row{1} = {font=\bfseries, mode=text}
Notation    &   Meaning     \\
P_{md}      & local probability of misdetection \\
P_{d}       & local probability of detection \\
P_{fa}      & probability of false alarm \\
P_{pu}      & signal \\
P_b         & broadcast \\
N_{gd}      & node 1 \\
N_{ln}      & Total number of node \\
h_{gd1}     & h number when majority of the nodes in a topology gives a decision `1' when PU is present \\

or more "open look" (as usual say @Mico):
\caption{Main Notations}
  \begin{tblr}{colspec = {Q[l, mode=math]
               row{1} = {font=\bfseries, mode=text}
Notation    &   Meaning     \\
P_{md}      & local probability of misdetection \\
P_{d}       & local probability of detection \\
P_{fa}      & probability of false alarm \\
P_{pu}      & signal \\
P_b         & broadcast \\
N_{gd}      & node 1 \\
N_{ln}      & Total number of node \\
h_{gd1}     & h number when majority of the nodes in a topology gives a decision `1' when PU is present    \\

