从 pgfplot 中的图例中删除标记

从 pgfplot 中的图例中删除标记



\pgfplotsset{minor grid style={dotted,gray!50}}
\pgfplotsset{major grid style={gray!50!black}}

  Freq   Orig   Filt
100.000, -79.374, -119.392
101.801, -79.858, -119.321
103.634, -78.587, -117.497
1000, -79.077, -117.437
1070.401, -78.735, -116.547
1090.335, -81.799, -119.065
11100.304, -82.298, -119.021
11300.309, -82.329, -118.511
115000.349, -81.744, -117.389

\begin{tikzpicture}[every plot/.append style={very thick}]
                    grid = both,
                    every major grid/.style={gray, opacity=0.7},
                    title = {},
                    xlabel={\emph{Offset Frequency (Hz)}},
                    ylabel={\emph{Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)}}]

\addplot table[mark = none, x index=0,y index=1,col sep=comma] {Noise.dat};
\addlegendentry{\emph{Original Phase Noise Data}}

\addplot table[mark = none, x index=0,y index=2,col sep=comma] {Noise.dat};
\addlegendentry{\emph{Filtered Noise Data}}
\caption[Original and Filtered Response.]{Original and Filtered Response.}


问题在于,您添加了mark=none选项table,而不是 选项\addplot。您应该写\addplot+ [mark=none] table ...+表示 不会完全覆盖 线条的样式[mark=none],因此颜色循环将继续。如果没有 ,+您将得到一条黑线。

要制作所有图,very thick您可以添加every axis plot/.append style={very thick}axis选项中,通过添加no markers选项,axis所有图中将没有标记。

顺便说一句,您可以在一个 中添加多个内容\pgfplotsset,只需用逗号分隔即可。您的\clearpage序言中也有一个游离部分,整个情节比 更宽\textwidth,导致它突出到右边距。


  minor grid style={dotted,gray!50},
  major grid style={gray!50!black}

  Freq   Orig   Filt
100.000, -79.374, -119.392
101.801, -79.858, -119.321
103.634, -78.587, -117.497
1000, -79.077, -117.437
1070.401, -78.735, -116.547
1090.335, -81.799, -119.065
11100.304, -82.298, -119.021
11300.309, -82.329, -118.511
115000.349, -81.744, -117.389
                    grid = both,
                    every major grid/.style={gray, opacity=0.7},
                    title = {},
                    xlabel={\emph{Offset Frequency (Hz)}},
                    ylabel={\emph{Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)}},
                    no markers,
                    every axis plot/.append style={very thick}]

\addplot table[x index=0,y index=1,col sep=comma] {Noise.dat};
\addlegendentry{\emph{Original Phase Noise Data}}

\addplot table[x index=0,y index=2,col sep=comma] {Noise.dat};
\addlegendentry{\emph{Filtered Noise Data}}
\caption[Original and Filtered Response.]{Original and Filtered Response.}
