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\title{Poincar\'e Series and Zeta functions}
\author{Anton Deitmar, Ming-Hsuan Kang, \& Rupert
\section{Gallery zeta functions}
\subsection{Zeta function of closed walks}
We summarize the above discussion as the following theorem.
Let $\Gamma$ be a discrete cocompact subgroup of $G$ and $\pi$ be the
representation of the Hecke algebra $H(W,S)$
\section{Alternating products of Poincar\'{e} series}
Note that one can generalize the definition of straight strips to higher
rank cases and study their stabilizers. We expect that there exists an
analogue of Theorem [blank] for the cases of higher rank. More precisely,
the following two identities holds.
\item $w_i$ is the generator of the stabilizer of some straight tube.
\item For any representation $\rho$ of $H_q(W,S)$,
there exists certain ordering of
such that their product under this ordering is equal to $W(\rho,u)$.
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\section{Gallery zeta functions}
\subsection{Zeta function of closed walks}
Some text
A theorem
\section{Alternating products of Poincar\'{e} series}
Some text
A conjecture