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    \multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \makecell{Application Layer\\Layer 7} & \makecell{Transport \& Network Layer\\Layer 4 \& 3} & \makecell{Data Link \& Physical Layer\\Layer 2 \& 1}\\
    WAN & IEC 62056/COSEM & TCP/IP & \makecell{IEC 62056/COSEM\\ PLC G3\\Fibre VLAN}\\
    HAN & \makecell{ZigBee Smart Energy 1.0/2.0\\EN 13757-3 M-Bus\\IEC 62056/COSEM\\EN 50090-3} & \makecell{ZigBee 2.0\\EN 50090-4} & \makecell{ZigBee\\PLC\\EN 13757-2 M-Bus\\EN 50090-4}\\
    \caption{The standardization bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI identify smart metering European data exchange and communication standards which are categorized by depending on the network layer model and the network size.}

In addition, the CEN/CENELEC TC 205 technical committee ....



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\usepackage{array, makecell, caption, tabularx, booktabs}

\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \makecell{Application Layer\\Layer 7} & \makecell{Transport \& Network Layer\\Layer 4 \& 3} & \makecell{Data Link \& Physical Layer\\Layer 2 \& 1}\\
WAN & IEC 62056/COSEM & TCP/IP &\makecell{[IEC 62056/COSEM\\ PLC G3\\Fibre VLAN}\\
HAN & \makecell{ZigBee \\Smart Energy 1.0/2.0\\EN 13757-3 M-Bus\\IEC 62056/COSEM\\EN 50090-3} & \makecell{ZigBee 2.0\\EN 50090-4} & \makecell{ZigBee\\PLC\\EN 13757-2 M-Bus\\EN 50090-4}\\
\caption{The standardization bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI identify smart metering European data exchange and communication standards which are categorized by depending on the network layer model and the network size.}

In addition, the CEN/CENELEC TC 205 technical committee ....

& \makecell{Application Layer\\Layer 7} & \makecell{Transport \& Network Layer\\Layer 4 \& 3} & \makecell{Data Link \& Physical Layer\\Layer 2 \& 1}\\
WAN & IEC 62056/COSEM & TCP/IP &\makecell{[IEC 62056/COSEM\\ PLC G3\\Fibre VLAN}\\
HAN & \makecell{ZigBee \\Smart Energy 1.0/2.0\\EN 13757-3 M-Bus\\IEC 62056/COSEM\\EN 50090-3} & \makecell{ZigBee 2.0\\EN 50090-4} & \makecell{ZigBee\\PLC\\EN 13757-2 M-Bus\\EN 50090-4}\\
\caption{The standardization bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI identify smart metering European data exchange and communication standards which are categorized by depending on the network layer model and the network size.}

