


\morphemize{ pro.3PERS.FEM be.PAST-HABIT here}


pro.3\morpheme{PERS}.\morpheme{FEM} be.\morpheme{PAST}-\morpheme{HABIT} here



免责声明:我不是语言学家。仅就我的理解而言多种的大写字母 (AZ) 应以不同方式处理。其他所有字母 (单身的大写字母、az、标点符号等)应保持不变。



在 中\@morphemize,命令\is@upper用于测试大写字母。如果连续发现两个大写字母,则\@stringofuppers使用 来获取传递给 进行\morpheme处理的大写字母字符串。\@stringoflowers删除大写字母字符串并使用 处理剩余内容\@morphemize

解决方案(`' 添加以证明前后空格被保留):

\documentclass{article}%Answer for this question: http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/298719/89497
    %document-level command to apply \morpheme to strings of uppercase characters (wrapper for \@morphemize)
    \newcommand{\morphemize}[1]{\spacesplit@morphemize#1 \nil\unskip}
    %document-level command applied to strings of uppercase characters
    %document-level command applied to individual uppercase characters in strings up uppercase characters

    %Recursive command to split at spaces (otherwise they are lost)
    \def\spacesplit@morphemize#1 #2\nil{%
        \if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax%preceeding space => eval the #2
            \if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax%#2 is empty=> do nothing
            \if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax%#2 is empty...do nothing

    %Recursive command to parse a string (without spaces) based on sequences of uppercase characters
        \ifnum\is@upper#1\nil=1\relax%uppercase => treat differently
            \if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax%#2 is empty => treat as a single captial (pass through)
            \else%#2 is not empty => eval if next is capital
                \ifnum\is@upper#2\nil=1\relax%next char is uppercase => string of uppercases
                \else%next char is not uppercase => pass through unchanged
        \else%lowercase => pass through
            \if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax%#2 is empty => nothing left to parse
            \else%#2 is not empty => more to parse

    %Command to return 1 if the first character is uppercase, 0 if other
        \ifx#1A 1\else
        \ifx#1B 1\else
        \ifx#1C 1\else
        \ifx#1D 1\else
        \ifx#1E 1\else
        \ifx#1F 1\else
        \ifx#1G 1\else
        \ifx#1H 1\else
        \ifx#1I 1\else
        \ifx#1J 1\else
        \ifx#1K 1\else
        \ifx#1L 1\else
        \ifx#1M 1\else
        \ifx#1N 1\else
        \ifx#1O 1\else
        \ifx#1P 1\else
        \ifx#1Q 1\else
        \ifx#1R 1\else
        \ifx#1S 1\else
        \ifx#1T 1\else
        \ifx#1U 1\else
        \ifx#1V 1\else
        \ifx#1W 1\else
        \ifx#1X 1\else
        \ifx#1Y 1\else
        \ifx#1Z 1\else

    %Recursive command expanding to the string of uppercase characters at the beginning of #1#2
        \ifnum\is@upper#1\nil=1\relax%uppercase => carry on
            \if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax%#2 is empty => add a nill
            \else%#2 not empty => evaluate next char
        \else\fi}%lowercase => do nothing

    %Recursive command expanding to the string of lowercase characters after a string of upper case characters at the beginning of #1#2
    %process the remaining contents with \@morphemize
        \ifnum\is@upper#1\nil=1\relax%uppercase=>carry on
            \if\relax\detokenize{#2}\relax%#2 is empty => the whole content was all caps...return nothing
            \else%#2 not empty => evaluate next char
        \else%lowercase =>process with \@morphemize
\noindent\verb|\morphemize{ pro.3PERS.FEM be.PAST-HABIT here}|

`\morphemize{ pro.3PERS.FEM be.PAST-HABIT here}'

\noindent\verb|\morphemize{ singleCapiTaL.LETERS here}|

`\morphemize{ singleCapiTaL.LETERS here}'

\noindent\verb|\morphemize{with.A PO.ST-space }|

`\morphemize{with.A PO.ST-space }'


