


\usepackage[paper=a4paper,twoside=true,lmargin=2.5cm,rmargin=2.5cm, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.5cm, bindingoffset=0cm]{geometry}

\usepackage[nonumberlist, toc]{glossaries}


\newglossaryentry{smr}{name=SMR, description={Steam methane reforming}}
\newglossaryentry{x}{name=x, description={Percentage of Cerium in $ Ce_{x}Zr_{1-x}O_{2} $}}
\newglossaryentry{op}{name={OP},description={Oh Porra!}}




\cleardoublepage %for openright
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%Relevance of the subject...

The production of hydrogen has been growing and one of the reasons is the fact that hydrogen has a key role in the future production of sustainable energy, fuel cells which eliminate toxic emissions and have higher efficiency than internal combustion engines for converting chemical energy of the fuel to electrical energy. Although, it's important to mention that the bigger source for the production of hydrogen is fossil fuels. The most used method is the steam methane reforming (SMR), that uses methane ($ \mathrm{CH_{4}} $) which comes from natural gas.


然后我执行 makeindex 并出现:

这是 makeindex,版本 2.15 [MiKTeX 2.9 64 位](kpathsea + 泰语支持)。扫描样式文件 ./Teste.ist................................已完成(重新定义了 29 个属性,忽略了 0 个)。扫描输入文件 Teste.glo...已完成(接受 0 个条目,拒绝 0 个条目)。Teste.gls 中未写入任何内容。成绩单已写入 Teste.ilg。






\usepackage[paper=a4paper,twoside=true,lmargin=2.5cm,rmargin=2.5cm, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.5cm, bindingoffset=0cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[nonumberlist, toc]{glossaries}


\newglossaryentry{smr}{name=SMR, description={Steam methane reforming}}
\newglossaryentry{x}{name=x, description={Percentage of Cerium in \ce{Ce_{x}Zr_{1-x}O2}}}
\newglossaryentry{op}{name={OP},description={Oh Porra!}}





\cleardoublepage %for openright
\cleardoublepage %for openright



%Relevance of the subject...

The production of hydrogen has been growing and one of the reasons is the fact that hydrogen has a key role in the future production of sustainable energy, fuel cells which eliminate toxic emissions and have higher efficiency than internal combustion engines for converting chemical energy of the fuel to electrical energy. Although, it's important to mention that the bigger source for the production of hydrogen is fossil fuels. The most used method is the steam methane reforming (SMR), that uses methane (\ce{CH4}) which comes from natural gas.


