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\newcommand{\pinyin}[1] {{\sffamily #1}}
\newcommand{\definition}[1] {\textsl{#1}}





This chapter contains 10 characters. If you know all 10 characters from the beginning of this book through the end of this chapter, you can \begin{itemize}\item recognize 1.5\% of the characters in Chinese movie subtitles.\item recognize 2.4\% of the characters in Chinese books.\end{itemize}On average, characters in this group will appear in 62.39\% of Chinese movies.
\section{一\hfill yī -- \definition{one}\quad}
A single horizontal stroke, representing the number one.\subsection*{Words}
\begin{supertabular}{ r p{1.25cm} p{3.75cm}}一 & \pinyin{yī} & \definition{one; 1; single; a} \\
一一 & \pinyin{yī yī} & \definition{one by one} \\

\section{二\hfill èr -- \definition{two}\quad}
Two horizontal strokes, representing the number two.\subsection*{Words}
\begin{supertabular}{ r p{1.25cm} p{3.75cm}}二 & \pinyin{èr} & \definition{two; 2} \\

\section{三\hfill sān -- \definition{three}\quad}
Three horizontal strokes, representing the number three.\subsection*{Words}
\begin{supertabular}{ r p{1.25cm} p{3.75cm}}三 & \pinyin{sān} & \definition{three; 3} \\

\section{四\hfill sì -- \definition{four}\quad}
In ancient texts the character 亖 (four horizontal strokes) was used. The origin of the current form is unclear.\subsection*{Words}
\begin{supertabular}{ r p{1.25cm} p{3.75cm}}四 & \pinyin{sì} & \definition{four; 4} \\





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\newcommand{\pinyin}[1] {{\sffamily #1}}
\newcommand{\definition}[1] {\textsl{#1}}
This chapter contains 10 characters. If you know all 10 characters from the beginning of this book through the end of this chapter, you can \begin{itemize}\item recognize 1.5\% of the characters in Chinese movie subtitles.\item recognize 2.4\% of the characters in Chinese books.\end{itemize}On average, characters in this group will appear in 62.39\% of Chinese movies.
\section{一\hfill yī -- \definition{one}\quad}
A single horizontal stroke, representing the number one.
\begin{supertabular}{ r p{1.25cm} p{3.75cm}}一 & \pinyin{yī} & \definition{one; 1; single; a} \\
一一 & \pinyin{yī yī} & \definition{one by one} \\

\section{二\hfill èr -- \definition{two}\quad}
Two horizontal strokes, representing the number two.
\begin{supertabular}{ r p{1.25cm} p{3.75cm}}二 & \pinyin{èr} & \definition{two; 2} \\

\section{三\hfill sān -- \definition{three}\quad}
Three horizontal strokes, representing the number three.


\begin{supertabular}{ r p{1.25cm} p{3.75cm}}三 & \pinyin{sān} & \definition{three; 3} \\

\section{四\hfill sì -- \definition{four}\quad}

In ancient texts the character 亖 (four horizontal strokes) was used. The origin of the current form is unclear.
\begin{supertabular}{ r p{1.25cm} p{3.75cm}}四 & \pinyin{sì} & \definition{four; 4} \\




TeX 寄存器\pagetotal包含迄今为止的页面高度,LaTeX 寄存器\@colroom包含列的高度。

127 \global\ST@pagesofar\pagetotal    
128 \global\ST@pageleft\@colroom
129 \ST@trace\tw@{Height of text = \the\pagetotal; \MessageBreak
130               Height of page = \the\ST@pageleft}%



141   \ST@trace\tw@{Second column}%
142   \global\advance\ST@pageleft -\ST@pagesofar
143   \global\advance\ST@pageleft -\@colroom
144 \fi


在您的例子中,\@colroom约为 500pt,\ST@pagesofar约为 540pt,其中额外的 40pt 来自\subsection*{Words}。然后减法为

1000 - 540 - 500 = -40

