我希望数字在小数点处垂直对齐。我尝试使用 {siunitx} 和 {dcolumn} 包,但它们无法生成我想要的表格。
Angle & Time (sec)& cost function with DC (Nm$)^2$s & cost function with GPOPS-II (Nm$)^2$s & cost function with Shooting (Nm$)^2$s \\ \hline
& 0.5 & 44.22 & 42.25 & 42.99 \\ \cline{2-5}
$45^{\circ}$ & 1 & 12.68 & 11.29 & 11.04\\ \cline{2-5}
& 2 & 7.14 & 11.29 & N/A \\ \cline{2-5}
& 4 & 4.41 & 11.28 & N/A\\ \hline
& 0.5 & 192.71 & 184.70 & 188.66 \\ \cline{2-5}
$90^{\circ}$ & 1 & 41.33 & 37.59 & 37.21 \\ \cline{2-5}
& 2 & 23.47 & 36.95 & N/A \\ \cline{2-5}
& 4 & 14.43 & 36.96 & N/A \\ \hline
& 0.5 & 1002.90 & 962.44 & 992.26 \\ \cline{2-5}
$180^{\circ}$ & 1 & 157.81 & 148.12 & N/A \\ \cline{2-5}
& 2 & 72.51 & 66.13 & N/A \\ \cline{2-5}
& 4 & 32.05 & 66.85 & N/A \\ \hline
& 0.5 & 4118.20 & N/A & 4231.74 \\ \cline{2-5}
$360^{\circ}$ & 1 & 650.87 & 651.16 & 658.81 \\ \cline{2-5}
& 2 & 182.65 & 182.73 & N/A \\ \cline{2-5}
& 4 & 109.12 & 134.11 & N/A \\ \hline
\caption[Cost function values from DC, GPOPS-II , and Shooting]{Cost function values from DC, GPOPS-II , and Shooting. N/A indicates that the method was not able to solve the problem}
环境,其中 5 个主列中的 4 个指定了类型S
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l
S[table-format=1.1] *{3}{S[table-format=4.2]} @{}}
Angle & \mc{Time} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{Cost function with}\\
&& \mc{DC} & \mc{GPOPS-II} & \mc{Shooting} \\
& {(sec)} & {(Nm)\textsuperscript{2}s}
& {(Nm)\textsuperscript{2}s}
& {(Nm)\textsuperscript{2}s} \\
$45^{\circ}$ & 0.5 & 44.22 & 42.25 & 42.99 \\
& 1 & 12.68 & 11.29 & 11.04 \\
& 2 & 7.14 & 11.29 & {N/A} \\
& 4 & 4.41 & 11.28 & {N/A} \\ \addlinespace
$90^{\circ}$ & 0.5 & 192.71 & 184.70 & 188.66 \\
& 1 & 41.33 & 37.59 & 37.21 \\
& 2 & 23.47 & 36.95 & {N/A} \\
& 4 & 14.43 & 36.96 & {N/A} \\ \addlinespace
$180^{\circ}$& 0.5 &1002.90 & 962.44 & 992.26 \\
& 1 & 157.81 & 148.12 & {N/A} \\
& 2 & 72.51 & 66.13 & {N/A} \\
& 4 & 32.05 & 66.85 & {N/A} \\ \addlinespace
$360^{\circ}$& 0.5 &4118.20 & {N/A} &4231.74 \\
& 1 & 650.87 & 651.16 & 658.81 \\
& 2 & 182.65 & 182.73 & {N/A} \\
& 4 & 109.12 & 134.11 & {N/A} \\
\multicolumn{5}{@{}l@{}}{N/A indicates that the method was not able to solve the problem}\\
\caption{Cost function values from DC, GPOPS-II, and Shooting}
\usepackage{array, tabularx, caption, threeparttable,booktabs}
\usepackage{siunitx , multirow, makecell}
Angle & {Time (s)} & {\Gape[3pt][0pt]{\makecell{cost function with & & \\ DC (\si{Nm²})}}} & {\makecell{cost function with\\ GPOPS-II (\si{Nm²})}} & {\makecell{cost function with\\ Shooting (\si{Nm²})} } \\[-4pt] \hline
\multirowcell{4}{ \SI{45}{\degree}} & 0.5 & 44.22 & 42.25 & 42.99 \\ \cline{2-5}
& 1 & 12.68 & 11.29 & 11.04 \\ \cline{2-5}
& 2 & 7.14 & 11.29 & {N/A} \\ \cline{2-5}
& 4 & 4.41 & 11.28 & {N/A} \\%
\multirowcell{4}{ \SI{90}{\degree}} & 0.5 & 192.71 & 184.70 & 188.66 \\ \cline{2-5}
& 1 & 41.33 & 37.59 & 37.21 \\ \cline{2-5}
& 2 & 23.47 & 36.95 & { N/A } \\ \cline{2-5}
& 4 & 14.43 & 36.96 & {N/A} \\ \hline
\multirowcell{4}{ \SI{180}{\degree}} & 0.5 & 1002.90 & 962.44 & 992.26 \\ \cline{2-5}
& 1 & 157.81 & 148.12 & {N/A} \\ \cline{2-5}
& 2 & 72.51 & 66.13 & {N/A} \\ \cline{2-5}
& 4 & 32.05 & 66.85 & {N/A} \\ \hline
\multirowcell{4}{ \SI{360}{\degree}} & 0.5 & 4118.20 & {N/A} & 4231.74 \\ \cline{2-5}
& 1 & 650.87 & 651.16 & 658.81 \\ \cline{2-5}
& 2 & 182.65 & 182.73 & {N/A} \\ \cline{2-5}
& 4 & 109.12 & 134.11 & {N/A} \\ \hline
\item[]N/A indicates that the method was not able to solve the problem
\caption[Cost function values from DC, GPOPS-II , and Shooting]{Cost function values from DC, GPOPS-II , and Shooting.}
Angle & {Time (s)} & {\makecell{cost function with\\ DC (\si{Nm²})}} & {\makecell{cost function with\\ GPOPS-II (\si{Nm²})}} %
& {\makecell{cost function with\\ Shooting (\si{Nm²})} } \\[-3pt]
\multirowcell{4}{ \SI{45}{\degree}} & 0.5 & 44.22 & 42.25 & 42.99 \\
& 1 & 12.68 & 11.29 & 11.04 \\
& 2 & 7.14 & 11.29 & {N/A} \\
& 4 & 4.41 & 11.28 & {N/A} \\%
\multirowcell{4}{ \SI{90}{\degree}} & 0.5 & 192.71 & 184.70 & 188.66 \\
& 1 & 41.33 & 37.59 & 37.21 \\
& 2 & 23.47 & 36.95 & { N/A } \\
& 4 & 14.43 & 36.96 & {N/A} \\
\multirowcell{4}{ \SI{180}{\degree}} & 0.5 & 1002.90 & 962.44 & 992.26 \\
& 1 & 157.81 & 148.12 & {N/A} \\
& 2 & 72.51 & 66.13 & {N/A} \\
& 4 & 32.05 & 66.85 & {N/A} \\
\multirowcell{4}{ \SI{360}{\degree}} & 0.5 & 4118.20 & {N/A} & 4231.74 \\
& 1 & 650.87 & 651.16 & 658.81 \\
& 2 & 182.65 & 182.73 & {N/A} \\
& 4 & 109.12 & 134.11 & {N/A} \\
\item[]N/A indicates that the method was not able to solve the problem
\caption[Cost function values from DC, GPOPS-II , and Shooting]{Cost function values from DC, GPOPS-II , and Shooting.}