

将当前定理类项目的名称/编号放在标题中,Gustavo Mezzetti 发布了一个答案,允许在页眉中包含当前类似定理的项目的名称和编号。









\usepackage{etoolbox} % needed for headings wizardry, below


\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\myBotmark} % "RE" just for testing purposes

%%%%%%%% BEGIN WIZARDRY %%%%%%%%



       \patchcmd{\@begintheorem}{% search for:
        \thm@swap\swappedhead\thmhead % more specific than before
    }{% replace with:
        \myMark{#1\@ifnotempty{#2}{\ #2}\@ifnotempty{#3}{\ (#3)}}%


%%%%%%%%  END WIZARDRY  %%%%%%%%


Denote the reals by $\mathbb{R}$.

\begin{theorem}[about \protect $\mathbb{R}$] % gives error
%\begin{theorem}[about $R$] % so would this be OK
%\begin{theorem}[about reals] % this would be OK

Big result!



%\begin{corollary}[special case for $\mathbb{Q}$]
 \begin{corollary}[special case for $Q$]
 %\begin{corollary}[special case for rationals]

Another assertion.



运行 pdflatex 时出现的错误是:

...42: Undefined control sequence.
\GenericError   ...
                           #4   \errhelp \@err@   ...
l.42   \begin{theorem}[about \protect $\mathbb{R}$] 
                                          % gives error






在文档主体中。那么$\mathbb{R}$在定理的可选参数中定理列表排版错误 — — 即使没有任何\protect可选参数。




  1. 该代码\protect $\mathbb{R}$是错误的(至少)有两个原因,第一个原因\protect仅有的到以下标记,在本例中为 $;但$它本身是强大的,因为它是 TeX 的一个原始命令,因此是一个不可扩展的标记。

  2. 无论如何,即使$\protect\mathbb{R}$是错误的,或者更确切地说,也是无用的,因为\mathbbLaTeX 内核已经使其变得强大。

  3. \patchcmd需要参数:


    其中<success>和分别<failure>是成功或失败时要执行的代码片段\patchcmd。如果您不想执行任何代码,请将它们留空,但您不能简单地省略它们。在您的示例中,您非常幸运,a\par和 the\makeatother被吞噬了……


\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Not necessary, but recommended.

\usepackage{amsthm} % we have decided to go for this one


\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\myBotmark} % "RE" just for testing purposes

\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section] % or "[chapter]", or whatever
\newtheorem{lemma}  {Lemma}  [section]
\newtheorem*{spclaim}{Special Claim}

%%%%%%%% BEGIN WIZARDRY %%%%%%%%


\newcommand*\myMark[1]{% <<< MODIFIED
        \let\label\relax \let\index\relax \let\glossary\relax

        \thmnumber{\thmname{\ }#2}%
        \thmnote{\ (#3)}%
        \thmname{\thmnumber{\ }#1}%
        \thmnote{\ (#3)}%
\patchcmd{\@begintheorem}{% search for:
    \thm@swap\swappedhead\thmhead % more specific than before
}{% replace with:
}{% execute if succeeded:
    \typeout{>>> Made patch specific for amsthm.}
}{% execute if failed:
    \typeout{>>> Patch specific for amsthm FAILED!}


%%%%%%%%  END WIZARDRY  %%%%%%%%


\section{First section}


    This is the first theorem of the first section.


    This is the second theorem of the first section.

\begin{theorem}[Donald Duck and~$\mathbb{Q}$]
    This is the third theorem of the first section.

    This is a special claim.


    This is the fourth theorem of the first section.

\begin{defin}[Something new]
    This is the first definition of the first section.

    This is the second definition of the first section.


    This is the first lemma of the first section.


    This is the fifth theorem of the first section.


\begin{lemma}[Uncle Scrooge and~$\mathbb{R}$]
    This is the second lemma of the first section.


    This is the sixth theorem of the first section.


    This is the seventh theorem of the first section.

    This is the third lemma of the first section.

\begin{theorem}[Mickey Mouse and~$\mathbb{C}$]
    This is the eighth theorem of the first section.


    This is the ninth theorem of the first section.


    This is the third definition of the first section.


\begin{theorem}[The last one]
    This is the tenth theorem of the first section.


    This is the fourth lemma of the first section.

    This is the fifth lemma of the first section.

    This is the sixth lemma of the first section.

    This is the seventh lemma of the first section.

    This is the eighth lemma of the first section.

    This is the ninth lemma of the first section.

\begin{lemma}[Deep breath]
    This is the tenth lemma of the first section.


    This is the eleventh lemma of the first section.

    This is the twelfth lemma of the first section.

    This is the thirteenth lemma of the first section.

    This is the fourteenth lemma of the first section.

    This is the fifteenth lemma of the first section.

\begin{lemma}[Hexadecimal deep breath]
    This is the sixteenth lemma of the first section.

% \lipsum[85-96]


