如何绘制具有文本宽度但在页边距上只有单个节点的 tikzpicture?

如何绘制具有文本宽度但在页边距上只有单个节点的 tikzpicture?

我想绘制一张完全适合文本宽度的 tikz 图片,只需使用\textwidth图片内所有 x 尺寸的倍数即可实现。

但是,有些节点我想放在页边距上。最好在同一个 tikzpicture 内(但不一定)。什么是恰当的怎么做呢?

我知道我可以通过缩放 tikzpicture 并随后调整框的大小来解决这个问题,直到它适合为止,但这种解决方案感觉不对。我更多地考虑使用节点的解决方案,这些节点不用于确定 tikzpicture 的总宽度。






\node[  minimum width = \rw, minimum height = \rh,
        draw = blue, thick,
        fill opacity = 0.3, text opacity = 1,
        align = center] (A1) at (0,0) {Block with text width};

\node[  minimum width = \rw, minimum height = \rh,
        draw = blue, thick,
        fill opacity = 0.3, text opacity = 1,
        align = center] (A2) at (0,0) {Block with text width};
\node[circle,left] at (A1.west) {A};
\node[circle,right] at (A2.east) {B};               




我不知道什么是正确的,但你可以\useasboundingbox在边距中添加元素之前使用如下方法。这样当 LaTeX 放置 时,它们将不会被考虑tikzpicture






\node[  minimum width = \rw, minimum height = \rh,
        draw = blue, thick,
        fill opacity = 0.3, text opacity = 1,
        align = center] (A1) at (0,0) {Block with text width};


\node[  minimum width = \rw, minimum height = \rh,
        draw = blue, thick,
        fill opacity = 0.3, text opacity = 1,
        align = center] (A2) at (0,0) {Block with text width};

% everything after this is in the margins

\useasboundingbox (current bounding box.south east) rectangle (current bounding box.north west);
\node[circle,left] at (A1.west) {A};
\node[circle,right] at (A2.east) {B};               

