好吧,我记得这个问题已经完成了“3D”锥体,我们可以窃取那里的代码,这样就省去了一半的麻烦。实际上,2D 绘图如下所示(当没有透视时 - \p=0
其中彩色线是切割圆锥的平面。从Mark Wibrow 的回答我们可以使用计算出的\rx
% Most of the code is taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/332015/81905
%Courtesy of Mark Wibrow
\begin{tikzpicture}[parabola/.style={very thin, red}, hyperbola/.style={very thin, violet}, circle/.style={very thin, blue}]
(0, \h) -- (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) -- cycle;
\fill[gray!75] coordinate (bottom) ellipse [x radius=\rx, y radius=\ry];
\draw[dashed] (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry);
\draw (0, \h) -- (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:-180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) -- coordinate[pos=.4](hypbend) cycle;
\begin{scope}[rotate around={180:(0,\h)}]
(0, \h) -- (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) -- cycle;
\fill[gray!75] coordinate (top) ellipse [x radius=\rx, y radius=\ry];
\draw (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) (0, \h) -- coordinate[pos=.3](parabend) (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:-180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) -- cycle;
%% Dots & Axis
\fill (top) circle[radius=1pt] (0,\h) circle[radius=1pt] (bottom) circle[radius=1pt];
\draw[dotted] (top) -- (bottom);
\draw (top) -- ++(-90:\rx+0 and \ry);
%% Parabola
\path (top) +(50+50*\p:\rx+0 and \ry) coordinate (tmp) +(-50+50*\p:\rx+0 and \ry) coordinate (tmp2);
\draw[parabola] (tmp) ..controls ++(-90:0) and ++(\ta+90:\p).. (parabend) node[left]{Parabola} ..controls ++(\ta-90:\p) and ++(-90:0).. (tmp2);
%% Circle
\draw[circle] (0,\pos*\h) ellipse [x radius=\pos*\rx, y radius=\pos*\ry] +(180:\pos*\rx) node[above left]{Circle};
%% Hyperbola
\path (bottom) +(130-50*\p:\rx+0 and \ry) coordinate (tmp) +(230+50*\p:\rx+0 and \ry) coordinate (tmp2);
\draw[hyperbola] (tmp) ..controls ++(90:0) and ++(90-\ta:0.6*\p).. (hypbend) node[left]{Hyperbola} ..controls ++(-\ta-90:0.6*\p) and ++(90:0).. (tmp2);
您可以尝试调整透视值以更好地进行调整。请注意,我并不声称这幅画是真实的 3D 画,这只是透视的错觉,我没有计算任何东西来确保真实的深度感知!!
\title{Conicas : }
\begin{tikzpicture}[parabola/.style={very thin, red}, hyperbola/.style={very thin, violet}, circle/.style={very thin, blue}]
\fill[white](0, \h) -- (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) -- cycle;
\fill[white] coordinate (bottom) ellipse [x radius=\rx, y radius=\ry];
\draw[dashed] (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry);
\draw (0, \h) -- (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:-180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) -- coordinate[pos=.4](hypbend) cycle;
\begin{scope}[rotate around={180:(0,\h)}]
\fill[white](0, \h) -- (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) -- cycle;
\fill[white] coordinate (top) ellipse [x radius=\rx, y radius=\ry];
\draw (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) (0, \h) -- coordinate[pos=.3](parabend) (\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) arc (\ta:-180-\ta:\rx+0 and \ry) -- cycle;
%% Parabola
\path (top) +(50+50*\p:\rx+0 and \ry) coordinate (tmp) +(-50+50*\p:\rx+0 and \ry) coordinate (tmp2);
\fill[parabola,gray!50] (tmp) ..controls ++(-90:0) and ++(\ta+90:\p).. (parabend) node[left]{Parabola} ..controls ++(\ta-90:\p) and ++(-90:0).. (tmp2);
%% Dots & Axis
\fill (top) circle[radius=1pt] (0,\h) circle[radius=1pt] (bottom) circle[radius=1pt];
\draw[dotted] (top) -- (bottom);
\draw (top) -- ++(-90:\rx+0 and \ry);