TeXShop 错误阻止编译

TeXShop 错误阻止编译

我安装了 BasicTeX,写了作业,并将其编译为 PDF。然后,我费了好大劲才添加类似这样的图表:https://texblog.org/2015/09/16/drawing-trees-with-tikzpgf-and-lualatex/。我被告知要下载 MacTeX。我安装了文件,重新启动,然后再次在 TeXShop 中打开作业。

The following error came up:
Can't find required tool.
/Library/TeX/texbin/pdtex does not exist. TeXShop is a front end for TeX, but you also need a TeX distribution. Perhaps such a distribution was not installed or was removed during a system upgrade. If so, go to http://tug.org/mactex and follow the instructions to install MacTeX or BasicTeX.


我在 IRC 上与 pavonia 进行了交流,他向我介绍了终端方法。当我通过终端执行此操作时,文件会编译为 PDF 格式。


我看到了 2 个类似的帖子,但推荐的设置已经是我的设置了。我不确定在这种情况下该怎么办。
