


我真的不喜欢 itemize 的外观,特别是它太靠左了,而且不居中。有人知道格式化这种列表的好方法吗?我愿意听取任何建议。

To begin, consider the points in $[0,1]$ represented in ternary. By removing the open middle third from $[0,1]$, we remove all numbers of the form $0.1\textnormal{xxxx}..._3$ where the $0.0\textnormal{xxxx}..._3$ is strictly between $0.0000..._3$ and $0.02222..._3$. The ``strictly" conditions ensures that $0.1_3$ and $0.1222..._3 = 0.2_3$, are not removed. Thus, the numbers remaining in $[0,1]$ after the first removal have the form

        \item $0.0\textnormal{xxxx}..._3$ \hspace{5mm} Numbers between $0$ and $1/3$
        \item $0.02222..._3$ \hspace{5mm} $1/3$
        \item $0.12222..._3$ \hspace {5mm} $2/3$
        \item $0.2\textnormal{xxxx}..._3$ \hspace{5mm} Numbers between $2/3$ and $1$




To begin, consider the points in $[0,1]$ represented in ternary. By removing the open middle third from $[0,1]$, we remove all numbers of the form $0.1\textnormal{xxxx}..._3$ where the $0.0\textnormal{xxxx}..._3$ is strictly between $0.0000..._3$ and $0.02222..._3$. The ``strictly" conditions ensures that $0.1_3$ and $0.1222..._3 = 0.2_3$, are not removed. Thus, the numbers remaining in $[0,1]$ after the first removal have the form
\begin{tabular}{>{\textbullet}c >{$}l<{$} l}
    &   0.0\text{xxxx}\dots_3   &   Numbers between $0$ and $1/3$   \\
    &   0.02222\dots_3          &   $1/3$                           \\
    &   0.12222\dots_3          &   $2/3$                           \\
    &   0.2\text{xxxx}\dots_3   &   Numbers between $2/3$ and $1$
or beter without bullets?
\begin{tabular}{>{$}l<{$} l}
0.0\text{xxxx}\dots_3   &   Numbers between $0$ and $1/3$   \\
0.02222\dots_3          &   $1/3$                           \\
0.12222\dots_3          &   $2/3$                           \\
0.2\text{xxxx}\dots_3   &   Numbers between $2/3$ and $1$

