


[EVER90a,第 13-19 节],[EVER90b,第 98 节],[WECK91,第 110 节]

我对 [WECK91, S. 110] 的风格没有任何问题,但当涉及到“按字母顺序计算”同一作者的不同页面时,我发现自己陷入困境。当我对一本书有多个引用时,我该如何将这个“a、b、…”放在年份后面?


您可以在这里找到 MWE:

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%%% Citation %%%

%%% Literaturverzeichnis %%%
\DeclareLabelalphaTemplate{\labelelement{\field{citekey}}}% Damit der "citekey" in der Thesis als Zitierungsformatierung verwendet wird

To make a citation you have to mention an author \zitat{SCHM05}.
But if you have one citation from pages 16 and 17 \zitat[16-17]{MONT09} and another from 20 and 21 \zitat[20-21]{MONT09} the cite key should be changed.


    Author = {Montgomery, Douglas C.},
    Date-Added = {2017-03-15 01:45:28 +0000},
    Date-Modified = {2017-03-15 04:45:25 +0000},
    Edition = {6},
    Keywords = {SPC, Control chart,},
    Publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Inc.},
    Title = {Introduction to statistical quality control},
    Year = {2009},

    Author = {Schmitt, Ingo},
    Date-Added = {2017-03-09 23:26:55 +0000},
    Date-Modified = {2017-03-09 23:29:03 +0000},
    Isbn = {3-486-57907-X},
    Keywords = {{\"A}hnlichkeitsma{\ss}, Distanz, {\"A}hnlichkeit},
    Publisher = {Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, M{\"u}nchen},
    Subtitle = {Retrieval, Suchalgorithmen und Anfragebehandlung},
    Title = {{\"A}hnlichkeitssuche in Multimedia-Datenbanken},
    Year = {2005},






      \field[strwidth=4, strside=left, uppercase=true]{labelname}

用 来maxalphanes=1代替。

\usepackage[backend=biber, style=alphabetic, isbn=false, url=false, firstinits=true, maxnames=10, maxalphanames=1]{biblatex}

  Author = {Montgomery, Douglas C.},
  Edition = {6},
  Keywords = {SPC, Control chart,},
  Publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Inc.},
  Title = {Introduction to statistical quality control},
  Year = {2009},

  Author = {Schmitt, Ingo},
  Isbn = {3-486-57907-X},
  Keywords = {{\"A}hnlichkeitsma{\ss}, Distanz, {\"A}hnlichkeit},
  Publisher = {Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, M{\"u}nchen},
  Subtitle = {Retrieval, Suchalgorithmen und Anfragebehandlung},
  Title = {{\"A}hnlichkeitssuche in Multimedia-Datenbanken},
  Year = {2005},

      \field[strwidth=4, strside=left, uppercase=true]{labelname}

To make a citation you have to mention an author \cite{SCHM05}.



