

我最近才开始使用 LaTeX,它非常棒。不过,我一般都不太会处理表格。

这是迄今为止我最好的表格创作,但仍然不完美。如您所见,标题的表格没有正确居中,而 Tektronix 的“恒流”和 Maynuo 的列之间的单元格空间太大。



\usepackage{url, graphicx}






{\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge}   






\caption{Comparación de características entre los instrumentos actuales para baterías en el mercado}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \textbf{Cadex C7600~\cite{Cadexcompany}} & \textbf{Cadex C8000~\cite{Company}} & \textbf{NI PXI-4130~\cite{NationalInstruments2000}} &                    \textbf{Tektronix 2380~\cite{KEITHLEYaTektronixCompany}} & \textbf{Maynuo M9712C~\cite{MaynuoElectronic}}\\\hline  
\multicolumn{1}{|L{2.5cm}|}{Battery voltage range} & 1.2V - 36V & 1.2V - 36V & 0 - 20V & 0 - 500V & 0.1V - 150V \\\hline
\multicolumn{1}{|L{2.5cm}|}{\multirow{4}{*}{Discharge method}} &\multirow{4}{*}{Constant current} & \multirow{2}{*}{Constant current} & \multirow{2}{*}{Constant current} & Constant current & Constant current \\  &  & &  & Constant voltage & Constant voltage \\ &  & \multirow{2}{*}{Constant power} & \multirow{2}{*}{Constant voltage} & Constant resistance & Constant          resistance \\ &  &  &  & Constant power & Constant power \\\hline
\multicolumn{1}{|L{2.5cm}|}{Range of discharge current} & 100mA - 6A & 30mA - 10A & 2mA - 20mA & 0 - 15A & 0 - 6A \\\hline
\multicolumn{1}{|L{2.5cm}|}{Resolution} & 25 mA & 1mA & 100nA & 1 mA & 0.01 mA \\\hline
\multicolumn{1}{|L{2.5cm}|}{Exactitud} & 0.25\% FS & 0.25\% FS & 0.03\% FS & (0.05\% FR + 0.05\% FS) & 0.015\%FR + 0.05\%FS \\\hline
\multicolumn{1}{|L{2.5cm}|}{Operating Temperature} & 5\degree C - 35\degree C & 5\degree C - 35\degree C & 0\degree C - 55\degree C & 0\degree C - 40\degree C & 0\degree C - 40\degree C \\\hline
\multicolumn{1}{|L{2.5cm}|}{Display} & 2x40-character LCD & 5.7'' (145mm) QVGA 320x240 graphics with backlight & There isn’t available information & Monitor Output BNC & High-luminance VFD screen with two line \\\hline
\multicolumn{1}{|L{2.5cm}|}{Data ports} & RS-232 or USB interfaces to PC & Ethernet 10/100 MB for connection to PC & There isn’t available information & USB, RS-232, GPIB & USB, RS232, RS485 \\\hline






编辑:raggedright列类型由 改为,修正了包 的环境centering错误使用。现在已加载选项并适用于两侧文档。adjustwidthchangepagestrict


\begin{center} ... \end{center}最好使用而不是\centering,它不会在表格周围添加垂直空间。



\usepackage[font=small,skip=1ex]{caption}% <-- changed





{\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge}

\usepackage{booktabs, multirow, tabularx}

\usepackage[range-phrase = \,--\,]{siunitx}



    \caption{Comparación de características entre los instrumentos actuales para baterías en el mercado}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{| L{2cm} |
            >{\hsize=0.9\hsize}C |       
                        *{3}{C |}
            >{\hsize=1.1\hsize}C |
    &   \textbf{Cadex C7600~\cite{Cadexcompany}} 
        &   \textbf{Cadex C8000~\cite{Company}} 
            &   \textbf{NI PXI-4130~\cite{NationalInstruments2000}} 
                &   \textbf{Tektronix 2380~\cite{KEITHLEYaTektronixCompany}} 
                    &   \textbf{Maynuo M9712C~\cite{MaynuoElectronic}}              \\
Battery voltage range   
    & \SIrange{1.2}{36}{V} & \SIrange{1.2}{36}{V} & \SIrange{0}{20}{V} 
        & \SIrange{0}{500}{V} & \SIrange{0.1}{150}{V} \\
\multirow{4}{=}{Discharge method}
    &   \multirow{4}{=}{Constant current} 
        &   \multirow{2}{=}{Constant current} 
            &   \multirow{2}{=}{Constant current} 
                &   Constant current 
                    &   Constant current            \\  
    &   &   &   &   Constant voltage 
                    &   Constant voltage            \\ 
    &   &   \multirow{2}{*}{Constant power} 
            &   \multirow{2}{*}{Constant voltage} 
                    &   Constant resistance 
                        &   Constant resistance     \\ 
    &   &   &   &   Constant power 
                        & Constant power            \\
Range of discharge current
    & \SIrange{0.1}{6}{A} & \SIrange{0.03}{10}{A} 
        & \SIrange{2}{20}{mA} & \SIrange{0}{15}{A} & \SIrange{0}{6}{A}  \\
    & \SI{25}{mA} & \SI{1}{mA} & \SI{100}{nA} & \SI{1}{mA} & \SI{0.01}{mA} \\
    & \SI{0.25}{\%} FS & \SI{0.25}{\%} FS & \SI{0.03}{\%} FS 
        & (\SI{0.05}{\%} FR + \SI{0.05}{\%} FS) & \SI{0.015}{\%} FR + \SI{0.05}{\%} FS \\
Operating Temperature
    & \SIrange{5}{35}{\degreeCelsius} & \SIrange{5}{35}{\degreeCelsius} 
        & \SIrange{0}{55}{\degreeCelsius} & \SIrange{0}{40}{\degreeCelsius} 
            & \SIrange{0}{40}{\degreeCelsius}\\
Display  & 2x40-character LCD & \SI{5.7}{''} (145mm) QVGA 320x240 graphics with backlight & There isn’t available information & Monitor Output BNC & High-luminance VFD screen with two line \\
Data ports  & RS-232 or USB interfaces to PC & Ethernet 10/100 MB for connection to PC & There isn’t available information & USB, RS-232, GPIB & USB, RS232, RS485 \\


您的 MWE 中的居中问题可能源自于列类型的定义C,因为最后一列需要比定义中稍宽的列宽。由于您没有使用englishbabel,LaTeX 不知道如何对英文单词进行连字符处理,因此会产生虚假居中。


我建议你将 的两个参数都设置\adjustwidth-2.5cm,而不只是第一个参数。这样会自动为你提供居中的标题。对于某些单元格中的两行和四行材料,我建议你使用tabular环境而不是\multirow指令。事实上,下面显示的代码\multirow根本没有使用任何指令。


\usepackage{url, graphicx}


%%\usepackage{multirow} % no longer needed


\usepackage{parskip} %
%\setlength{\parskip}{1em} % not a good idea to make this a rigid length!
\parskip=1em \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt

\setstretch{1.5} % don't change "\baselinestretch" directly

{\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge}



\usepackage{changepage} % for "\adjustwidth" macro

\hyphenation{dis-charge volt-age method infor-mation}

\setcounter{chapter}{2} % just for this example

\caption{Comparación de características entre los 
instrumentos actuales para baterías en el mercado}
\begin{tabular}{| L{2.25cm} | *{5}{C{3cm}|}}
& \textbf{Cadex C7600~\cite{Cadexcompany}} 
& \textbf{Cadex C8000~\cite{Company}} 
& \textbf{NI PXI-4130~\cite{NationalInstruments2000}} 
& \textbf{Tektronix 2380~\cite{KEITHLEYaTektronixCompany}} 
& \textbf{Maynuo M9712C~\cite{MaynuoElectronic}}\\
Battery voltage range & \SI{1.2}{\volt}--\SI{36}{\volt} 
& \SI{1.2}{\volt}--\SI{36}{\volt} & 0--\SI{20}{\volt} 
& 0--\SI{500}{\volt} & \SI{0.1}{\volt}--\SI{150}{\volt} \\
Discharge method & Constant current & 
Constant current \\ \\ Constant power 
\end{tabular} &
Constant current \\ \\ Constant voltage
\end{tabular} &
Constant current \\ Constant voltage \\ Constant resistance \\ Constant power 
\end{tabular} &
Constant current \\ Constant voltage \\ Constant resistance \\ Constant power
\end{tabular} \\
Range of discharge current & 100mA--6A & 30mA--10A & 2mA--20mA & 0--15A & 0--6A \\
Resolution & 25mA & 1mA & 100nA & 1mA & 0.01mA \\
Exactitud & 0.25\% FS & 0.25\% FS & 0.03\% FS & (0.05\% FR + 0.05\% FS) & 0.015\%FR + 0.05\%FS \\
Operating Temperature & \SI{5}{\celsius}--\SI{35}{\celsius} 
& \SI{5}{\celsius}--\SI{35}{\celsius} & \SI{0}{\celsius}--\SI{55}{\celsius} 
& \SI{0}{\celsius}--\SI{40}{\celsius} & \SI{0}{\celsius}--\SI{40}{\celsius} \\
Display & 2$\times$40-character LCD & 5.7'' (145mm) QVGA 320$\times$240 graphics with backlight & No information available & Monitor Output BNC & High-luminance VFD screen with two line \\
Data ports & RS-232 or USB interfaces to PC & Ethernet 10/100 MB for connection to PC & No information available & USB, RS-232, GPIB & USB, RS232, RS485 \\



这里有一些改进,带有siunitxmakecellstackengine普通单元格。Makecell旨在允许单元格内换行。更轻量的代码:没有multirow,没有嵌套tabular。使用tabcolsep,我只在每边增加了 1.5 厘米。

\documentclass[11pt,twoside,a4paper, spanish]{report}   
\usepackage[margin=3cm, showframe]{geometry}
\usepackage{url, graphicx}






{\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge}


\usepackage{siunitx, makecell}
\sisetup{range-phrase=–, abbreviations=true, range-units=single, detect-all}



\caption{Comparación de características entre los instrumentos actuales para baterías en el mercado}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & \textbf{Cadex C7600~\cite{Cadexcompany}} & \textbf{Cadex C8000~\cite{Company}} %
& \textbf{NI PXI-4130~\cite{NationalInstruments2000}} &      \textbf{Tektronix 2380~\cite{KEITHLEYaTektronixCompany}}%
& \textbf{Maynuo M9712C~\cite{MaynuoElectronic}}\\%
\makecell[l]{Battery\\[-0.8ex] voltage range} & \SIrange{1.2}{36}{V} & \SIrange{1.2}{36}{V} & \SIrange{0}{20}{V} & \SIrange{0}{500}{V} & \SIrange{0.1}{150}{V} \\%
Discharge method & Constant current & \makecell{Constant current \\[1ex] \\ Constant power} & \makecell{Constant current \\[1ex] \\ Constant voltage} & \makecell{Constant current \\[-0.5ex] Constant voltage \\[1ex] Constant resistance \\[-0.5ex] Constant power} & \makecell{Constant current \\[-0.5ex] Constant voltage \\[1ex] Constant resistance \\[-0.5ex]Constant power} \\
\makecell[l]{Range of \\[-0.8ex] discharge current} & \SI{100}{mA}\textendash\SI{6}{A} & \SI{30}{mA}– \SI{10}{A} & \SIrange{2}{20}{mA} & \SIrange{0}{15}{A} & \SIrange{0}{6}{A} \\%
Resolution & \SI{25}{mA} & \SI{1}{mA} & \SI{100}{nA} & \SI{1}{mA} & \SI{0.01}{mA} \\%
Exactitude & 0.25\% FS & 0.25\% FS & 0.03\% FS & \Centerstack{(0.05\% FR \\+ 0.05\% FS)} & \Centerstack{0.015\% FR\\ + 0.05\% FS} \\%
\makecell[l]{Operating\\[-0.8ex] Temperature} & \SIrange{5}{35}{\deg}& \SIrange{5}{35}{\deg} & \SIrange{0}{55}{\deg} & \SIrange{0}{40}{\deg} & \SIrange{0}{40}{\deg} \\%
Display & \Centerstack{2\,x\,40-character\\ LCD} & \Centerstack{5.7'' (145mm) QVGA \\320\,x\,240 graphics\\ with backlight} & \Centerstack{No available\\ information} & Monitor Output BNC & \Centerstack{High-luminance\\ VFD screen\\ with two lines} \\%
Data ports & \Centerstack{RS-232 or USB\\ interfaces to PC} & \Centerstack{Ethernet 10/100 MB\\ for connection to PC} & \Centerstack{No available\\ information} & USB, RS-232, GPIB & USB, RS232, RS485 \\%


