\begin{tabular}{ c c c c c c c c c }
& & Line Winding & Valve Windiing & Valve Windiing \\
Rated Voltage & & & Star & Delta \\
Rated voltage at tap \ddag 0, phase to earth & {$kV_{rms}$} & {$525/\sqrt3$} & {$210.4/\sqrt3$} & 210.4\\
Rated power {$(S_{N2w})$} & MVA & 297.5 & 297.5 & 297.5\\
Current ratings, bipolar operation & & & &\\
Rated continuous current, without redundant & {$A_{rms}$} & 982 & 2449 & {$2449/\sqrt3$}\\
cooling in service, at nominal tap & & & & \\
Line winding tap changer regulating range & & & & \\
Number of steps & & +25/-5 & & \\
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\newcolumntype{C}{>{$}c<{$}} % automatic inline math mode
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} YlCCC @{}}
Rated Voltage &
& {\text{Line Winding}} & {\text{Valve Winding}} & {\text{Valve Winding}} \\
& & & {\text{Star}} & {\text{Delta}} \\
Rated voltage at tap $\ddag0$, phase to earth
& $\si{\kilo\volt}_{\mathrm{rms}}$ & 525/\sqrt3 & 210.4/\sqrt3 & 210.4\\
Rated power $(S_{N2w})$
& \si{\mega\watt} & 297.5 & 297.5 & 297.5\\
Current ratings, bipolar operation\\
Rated continuous current, without redundant cooling in service, at nominal tap
& $\si{\ampere}_{\mathrm{rms}}$ & 982 & 2449 & 2449/\sqrt3\\
Line winding tap changer regulating range \\
Number of steps & & +25/{-}5 & & \\