(就像在这个答案) 与 相冲突hyperref
或 的设置而未编号\setcounter{secnumdepth}{<number>}
),因此本质上发生在使用 -- 的宏上,而不是使用(章节)\sectionlinesformat
s)或不使用 ,则不会发生错误hyperref
! Extra \else.
\H@old@ssect ...empty {#5}\@@par }\endgroup \else
\edef \@svsechd {\unexpand...
您可以使用以下 MWE 重现该错误:
\setbox0\hbox{\expandafter\headuline\expandafter{#2}}% @hangfrom had no effect so I used this setup for chapters
\@hangfrom{\hskip #2\expandafter\headuline\expandafter{#3}}%
\chapter{This is a really long chapter heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\section{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\subsection{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\subsubsection{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\chapter*{This is a really long chapter heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\section*{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\subsection*{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\subsubsection*{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
我认为在这样的地方使用 ulem 是疯狂的——你无法控制输入,而且它很容易出问题。而且它看起来很糟糕。除此之外:hyperref 在#4
\sectionlinesformat 参数的开头插入了一个锚点,因此\expandafter
\setbox0\hbox{\expandafter\headuline\expandafter{#2}}% @hangfrom had no effect so I used this setup for chapters
\@hangfrom{\hskip #2\expandafter\headuline\expandafter{#3}}%
\chapter{This is a really long chapter heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\section{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\subsection{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\subsubsection{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\chapter*{This is a really long chapter heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\section*{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\subsection*{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}
\subsubsection*{This is a really long section heading and I'm proud of it. It is so
long it needs more than one row to be printed.}