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footskip=7.4mm,% controles footer
%showframe,% show how the type block is set on the page
% ***************************Header/Footer Settings****************************
\sectionfont{\LARGE\bfseries}%this will keep the formattings of sections
\fancyhf{} % sets all head and foot elements empty.
\rhead{} % right side of upper footer
\lhead{Project title} %left side
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{2.0pt} % Width of the top line
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1.0pt} % Bottom line
\setlength{\headheight}{14.5pt}%used to remove the \fancyhf{} \headheight error
\rfoot{Page \thepage} % vice versa with the page number
\lfoot{\leftmark} % Should show the name of section
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{%this avoids the \makecaptical of footers
\markboth{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\z@ %this allowes symbols in foorters
\thesection\hskip 1em\relax
\fi #1}{}}
% ***************************title Settings****************************
{\Huge{\textbf{Project of...}}}
\textsc{\Large My name}\\[0.5cm]
{\large My ID number}\\[0.5cm]
% ********************************NEW CHAPTER PAGE SETTING*********************
\fancypagestyle{chapterstart}{% 1st page of the chapters, i.e. no new page for chapter
% ********************************CHAPTER STYLE SETTING***********************
\usepackage{titlesec, color} %remove blindtext after
\definecolor{gray75}{gray}{0.75} %1=white, 0=black
\newcommand{\hsp}{\hspace{20pt}} %spacing between line and text
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\vspace*{-2em}\Huge\bfseries}{\scalebox{1} {\thechapter}\hsp\textcolor{gray75}{|}\hsp}{0pt}{} %spacing across entire page %CHANGES** \scalebox{2}{}**3pt, **\vspace{+ down - up}
\titlespacing{\chapter}{0pt}{50pt}{30pt} %change{right}{shift down}{tile and text}
% Begin Project
\chapter{Minor introduction}
\subsection{Super introduction}
\chapter{Something more}
\section{ssection 1}
\subsection{subection 1}
% end Project
\renewcommand\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES}
\renewcommand\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES}
\addtocontents{toc}{{\bfseries Contents\hfill Page No.\bigskip\par}}
\addtocontents{lot}{{\bfseries No.\hfill Title\hfill\hfill Page No.\bigskip\par}}
\addtocontents{lof}{{\bfseries No.\hfill Title\hfill\hfill Page No.\bigskip\par}}
\renewcommand\cftchapaftersnum{: }
{{\parindent \z@ \centering
\Large \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
\vskip 20\p@
\renewcommand{\cftpartleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for parts
\renewcommand{\cftchapleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for chapters
\renewcommand{\cftsecleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for sections
\renewcommand{\cftsubsecleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for subsection
\section{General Background}
\subsection{Objective 1}
\subsection{Objective 2}
\subsection{Objective 3}
即如何将代码 2 中的目录、图片列表和表格列表放入代码 1 中。我尝试将代码 2 复制到代码 1 中,然后使用 \include{code 2},但表格的格式非常糟糕。(“内容”一词与文本不一致,所有数字都是罗马数字)
您需要将代码 2 的序言复制到代码 1 的序言中(我在这里就在 之前完成了这项工作begin{document}
(代码 1)和xcolor
(代码 2)存在问题。但这很容易解决,因为xcolor
基本上是 的扩展版本color
)代码 2 中没有任何内容。
toc(目录页码)的页眉被视为普通段落,因此以 缩进\parindent
代码 2 序言的一部分将标题置于\chapter*
为 after \tableofcontents
(将标题设置为 before 也会将 TOC 的一行添加到 TOC),此代码还会将标题添加到 TOC。您可以使用\schaptertocfalse
您不需要将其添加到 TOC 中。
\documentclass[12pt, oneside]{book}
% *******************************Margin Settings*******************************
\geometry{% margin settings, has to go first before \pagestyle{}
inner=2.5cm, % Inner margin
outer=2.5cm, % Outer margin
bindingoffset=0.0cm, % Binding offset
top=2.5cm, % Top margin
bottom=2.5cm, % Bottom margin
headsep=4.5mm,% controles header
footskip=7.4mm,% controles footer
%showframe,% show how the type block is set on the page
% ***************************Header/Footer Settings****************************
\sectionfont{\LARGE\bfseries}%this will keep the formattings of sections
\fancyhf{} % sets all head and foot elements empty.
\rhead{} % right side of upper footer
\lhead{Project title} %left side
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{2.0pt} % Width of the top line
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{1.0pt} % Bottom line
\setlength{\headheight}{14.5pt}%used to remove the \fancyhf{} \headheight error
\rfoot{Page \thepage} % vice versa with the page number
\lfoot{\leftmark} % Should show the name of section
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{%this avoids the \makecaptical of footers
\markboth{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\z@ %this allowes symbols in foorters
\thesection\hskip 1em\relax
\fi #1}{}}
% ***************************title Settings****************************
{\Huge{\textbf{Project of...}}}
\textsc{\Large My name}\\[0.5cm]
{\large My ID number}\\[0.5cm]
% ********************************NEW CHAPTER PAGE SETTING*********************
\fancypagestyle{chapterstart}{% 1st page of the chapters, i.e. no new page for chapter
% ********************************CHAPTER STYLE SETTING***********************
% replace color by xcolor (both are for color support, but xcolor is used in code 2 preamble)
\usepackage{titlesec,xcolor} %remove blindtext after
\definecolor{gray75}{gray}{0.75} %1=white, 0=black
\newcommand{\hsp}{\hspace{20pt}} %spacing between line and text
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\vspace*{-2em}\Huge\bfseries}{\scalebox{1} {\thechapter}\hsp\textcolor{gray75}{|}\hsp}{0pt}{} %spacing across entire page %CHANGES** \scalebox{2}{}**3pt, **\vspace{+ down - up}
\titlespacing{\chapter}{0pt}{50pt}{30pt} %change{right}{shift down}{tile and text}
%- preamble from code 2 -------------------------------------------
\renewcommand\listtablename{LIST OF TABLES}
\renewcommand\listfigurename{LIST OF FIGURES}
% added \protect\noindent to remove \parindent from table header
\addtocontents{toc}{{\protect\noindent\bfseries Contents\hfill Page No.\bigskip\par}}
\addtocontents{lot}{{\protect\noindent\bfseries No.\hfill Title\hfill\hfill Page No.\bigskip\par}}
\addtocontents{lof}{{\protect\noindent\bfseries No.\hfill Title\hfill\hfill Page No.\bigskip\par}}
% xcolor removed, because it's loaded above
\renewcommand\cftchapaftersnum{: }
% centers \chapter* headers
% if unwanted comment out ...
{{\parindent \z@ \centering
\Large \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
\vskip 20\p@
% ... to here
%\usepackage{blindtext} thrown out, one dummy text package is enough
\renewcommand{\cftpartleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for parts
\renewcommand{\cftchapleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for chapters
\renewcommand{\cftsecleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for sections
\renewcommand{\cftsubsecleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}} % for subsection
% Begin Project
% \mainmatter
\schaptertoctrue % enable adding \chapter* headlines to the TOC
\chapter{Minor introduction}
\subsection{Super introduction}
\chapter{Something more}
\section{ssection 1}
\subsection{subection 1}
%\schaptertocfalse % to disable adding \chapter* headline to the TOC
% end Project
这是因为代码 2 中的\frontmatter
和之后(还有)。设置小写罗马页码。通常它后面跟着摘要、目录、LOF、LOT 和其他内容,这些都不是文档的主要内容。后者跟在 之后,将页码设置为阿拉伯语并重置页码。因此,文档的第一页是第 i 页,第 1 章在第 1 页。如果没有这些命令,则假定文档的第一页是第 1 页,第 1 章在某个编号较高的页面上。注意:这可能需要运行三次 latex,直到一切正确。\mainmatter