如何使用 minipage 和 lstlisting 来匹配不同行的代码?

如何使用 minipage 和 lstlisting 来匹配不同行的代码?



        void example()
            int i = 0;

            i = 500;
    struct structure
    unsigned int f1;
    unsigned int f2;
    unsigned int f3;
    unsigned int f4;
    unsigned int f5;
    unsigned int f6;
    unsigned int f7;
    unsigned int f8;
    unsigned int f9;
    unsigned int f10;
    unsigned int f11;

    struct structure example =
    .f1 = 0xe52db004,
    .f2 = 0xe28db000,
    .f3 = 0xe24dd00c,
    .f4 = 0xe3a03000,
    .f5 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f6 = 0xe3a03f7d,
    .f7 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f8 = 0xe1a00000,                     
    .f9 = 0xe28bd000,
    .f10= 0xe49db004,   
    .f11= 0xe12fff1e,





好吧,如果你决定使用低级 TeX 命令,比如@TH. 的回答,没有必要将这两个列表存储到临时框中,也没有必要提前知道哪一个是最长的——这一点更为重要:

% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly 
                                 % declare the paper format.

\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}         % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header.  What follows pertains to the problem at hand.


\definecolor{OrdinaryColor} {named}{white}
\definecolor{KeyWordColor}  {named}{cyan}
\definecolor{StringColor}   {named}{yellow}
\definecolor{CommentColor}  {named}{brown}
\definecolor{BackGrndColor} {named}{darkgray}

    language        = [ANSI]C,
    basicstyle      = \ttfamily\small\color{OrdinaryColor},
    columns         = fullflexible,
    keepspaces      = true,
    basewidth       = {\fontdimen2 \font},
    tabsize         = 4,
    aboveskip       = 4pt,
    belowskip       = 4pt,
    xleftmargin     = 4pt,
    % xrightmargin  = 4pt, % had to comment it out -- one of listing's mysteries!
    keywordstyle    = \color{KeyWordColor},
    directivestyle  = \color{DirectiveColor},
    stringstyle     = \color{StringColor}\slshape,
    commentstyle    = \color{CommentColor}\slshape

\newlength{\listingFrameWidth} % not strictly necessary


\lstset{style = myCstyle}

Some text above the listings.

\nobreak \bigskip \vspace{-\baselineskip}

\hbox to \columnwidth \bgroup % make a full-width line
% First typeset the backgrounds:
    \vrule width \listingFrameWidth
    \vrule width \listingFrameWidth \relax
    \hspace{-2\listingFrameWidth plus -1fill}% backspace to beginning of line
% Then overprint the two listings
void example()
    int i = 0;

    i = 500;
\end{minipage}% <-- beware of stray spaces!
struct structure
    unsigned int f1;
    unsigned int f2;
    unsigned int f3;
    unsigned int f4;
    unsigned int f5;
    unsigned int f6;
    unsigned int f7;
    unsigned int f8;
    unsigned int f9;
    unsigned int f10;
    unsigned int f11;

struct structure example =
    .f1 = 0xe52db004,
    .f2 = 0xe28db000,
    .f3 = 0xe24dd00c,
    .f4 = 0xe3a03000,
    .f5 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f6 = 0xe3a03f7d,
    .f7 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f8 = 0xe1a00000,                     
    .f9 = 0xe28bd000,
    .f10= 0xe49db004,   
    .f11= 0xe12fff1e,
\end{minipage}% <-- beware of stray spaces!
\egroup % ends the line


% % Uncomment the following 4 lines to check the details:
% \showboxbreadth = 10000
% \showboxdepth = 2
% \tracingonline = 1
% \showlists

And some text below.


Again, but this time the first column is the tallest one.

\nobreak \bigskip \vspace{-\baselineskip}

\hbox to \columnwidth \bgroup
    \vrule width \listingFrameWidth
    \vrule width \listingFrameWidth
    \hspace{-2\listingFrameWidth plus -1fill}%
 *  Example function

#include <stdio.h>

void example()
    int i = 0;

    i = 500;
    printf("Hello, world!")
void example()
    int i = 0;

    i = 500;


Some text below.




但请注意,这种方法也存在 OP 抱怨的问题此评论


您可以在 a 中排版长列表,然后在与第一个高度相同的\vbox第二个中排版短列表。然后,您可以使用包中的颜色为两个列表的背景着色。\vbox\colorboxxcolor




    struct structure
    unsigned int f1;
    unsigned int f2;
    unsigned int f3;
    unsigned int f4;
    unsigned int f5;
    unsigned int f6;
    unsigned int f7;
    unsigned int f8;
    unsigned int f9;
    unsigned int f10;
    unsigned int f11;

    struct structure example =
    .f1 = 0xe52db004,
    .f2 = 0xe28db000,
    .f3 = 0xe24dd00c,
    .f4 = 0xe3a03000,
    .f5 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f6 = 0xe3a03f7d,
    .f7 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f8 = 0xe1a00000,
    .f9 = 0xe28bd000,
    .f10= 0xe49db004,
    .f11= 0xe12fff1e,
    \hrule height0pt
\setbox\shortbox=\vbox to\ht\longbox{
    void example()
        int i = 0;

        i = 500;
\hbox to\linewidth{%




  • 请注意,此解决方案不使用minipage。根据我的经验,minipage几乎从来没有用过。
  • 这直接使用\vbox和,\hbox而不是更高级的 LaTeX 命令。这样做的原因是,尽管有\hbox(即\mbox\makebox)、\vbox(即\parboxminipage) 和\setbox(即\savebox)的 LaTeX 版本,\savebox但仅适用于水平框,而我们需要保存垂直框。但是,可以省略第二个\vbox(和相应的命名框寄存器,并直接使用。可以用代替。但混合 TeX 基元和 LaTeX 宏对我来说看起来很奇怪。\shortbox\parbox\hbox\makebox
  • 有关盒子的更多信息,请参阅 egreg 的杰出作品回答




        void example()
            int i = 0;

            i = 500;

    struct structure
    unsigned int f1;
    unsigned int f2;
    unsigned int f3;
    unsigned int f4;
    unsigned int f5;
    unsigned int f6;
    unsigned int f7;
    unsigned int f8;
    unsigned int f9;
    unsigned int f10;
    unsigned int f11;

    struct structure example =
    .f1 = 0xe52db004,
    .f2 = 0xe28db000,
    .f3 = 0xe24dd00c,
    .f4 = 0xe3a03000,
    .f5 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f6 = 0xe3a03f7d,
    .f7 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f8 = 0xe1a00000,                     
    .f9 = 0xe28bd000,
    .f10= 0xe49db004,   
    .f11= 0xe12fff1e,

顺便说一句:请确保您的 LaTeX 代码完整平均能量损失下次。




        void example()
            int i = 0;

            i = 500;
    \vspace{-7pt} % may be a problem
    struct structure
    unsigned int f1;
    unsigned int f2;
    unsigned int f3;
    unsigned int f4;
    unsigned int f5;
    unsigned int f6;
    unsigned int f7;
    unsigned int f8;
    unsigned int f9;
    unsigned int f10;
    unsigned int f11;

    struct structure example =
    .f1 = 0xe52db004,
    .f2 = 0xe28db000,
    .f3 = 0xe24dd00c,
    .f4 = 0xe3a03000,
    .f5 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f6 = 0xe3a03f7d,
    .f7 = 0xe50b3008,
    .f8 = 0xe1a00000,                     
    .f9 = 0xe28bd000,
    .f10= 0xe49db004,   
    .f11= 0xe12fff1e,
