每当我以以下方式运行我的文件时:report.tex pdflatex report.tex bibtex report.texpdflatex x2 我收到这些错误:这是 BibTeX,版本 0.99d(MiKTeX 2.9.6350 64 位)顶级辅助文件:report.aux 我在读取文件 report.aux 时未找到 \citation 命令我在读取文件 report.aux 时未找到 \bibdata 命令我在读取文件 report.aux 时未找到 \bibstyle 命令(有 3 条错误消息我的 latex 文件如下所示:
\title{\bfseries Neighbourhood Analysis of \\ Naive Sphere Points}
\author{ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\bfseries Tushar Chandra\\ \\
Mentored By\\ \\
\bfseries Dr. Ranita Biswas }
\huge{Department of Computer Science and Engineering}\\[0.5cm]
\textsc{Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee}\\[2.0cm]
\emph{\LARGE Certificate}\\[2.5cm]
\normalsize This is to certify that, Tushar Chandra, student of B.Tech has
succesfully completed his summer research project on the topic \textit{
Analysis of Naive Sphere Points} under my guidance.\\[1.0cm]
Dr. Ranita Biswas\\
Assistant Professor,\\
Dept. of Comp. Sc.,\\
IIT Roorkee\\
We can see that number of voxels having 8-neighbours are the least and even
0 for many values of radius while number of voxels having 7-neighbours show
extreme decrease and increase in values. The spikes in no. of voxels having
6-neighbours keeps on increasing with increasing radius and the highest
peak in observed at radius=49.The highest peak for voxels having 7
neighbours and 8 neighbours are observed at radius=48.
* bib file
author = {Dr. Ranita Biswas},
title = {On Discretization of Sphere and Related Problems in 3D
Integer Space(PhD Thesis)},
school = {Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur},
year = {2016},
author = {Ranita Biswas and Partha Bhowmick},
title = {On the Functionality and Usefulness of Quadraginta Octants
of Naive Sphere},
booktitle = {Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision},
year = {2017},
publisher = {Springer}
author = {Ranita Biswas, Partha Bhowmick and Valentin E. Brimkov},
title = {On the Polyhedra of Graceful Spheres and Circular
journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
volume = {216, Part 2},
pages = {362--375},
year = {2016},
author = {Ranita Biswas, Partha Bhowmick},
title = {On different topological of spherical geodesic paths and
circles in Z^{3}},
journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
volume = {605},
pages = {146--163},
year = {2015},
author = {Ranita Biswas and Partha Bhowmick},
title = {From prima quadraginta octant to lattice sphere through
primitive integer operations},
journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
volume = {624},
pages = {56--72},
year = {2016},
author = {Cohen-Or,D., Kaufman},
title = {A.: Fundamentals of surface voxelization.},
journal = {Graph. Models Image Process. },
volume = {57(6)},
pages = {453--461},
year = {1995},
author = {Klette, R., Rosenfeld},
title = {A.: Digital Geometry: Geometric Methods for Digital Picture
journal = {Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco},
year = {2004},
请查看https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/559/36296您的 bib 文件中的许多作者姓名插入不正确,因此在输出中显示严重错误 - 例如 Reinhard Klette 和 Azriel Rosenfeld 是两个人,而不是“RA Rosenfeld Klette”。还有其他问题现已修复:例如,文章不是
。使用 Google Scholar 进行一些检查足以找到正确的引文。
author = {Ranita Biswas},
title = {On Discretization of Sphere and Related Problems in {3D} Integer Space},
school = {Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur},
year = {2016},
author = {Ranita Biswas and Partha Bhowmick},
title = {On the Functionality and Usefulness of Quadraginta Octants of Naive Sphere},
journal = {Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision},
year = {2017},
pages = {69-83},
author = {Ranita Biswas and Partha Bhowmick and Valentin E. Brimkov},
title = {On the Polyhedra of Graceful Spheres and Circular Geodesics},
journal = {Discrete Applied Mathematics},
volume = {216, Part 2},
pages = {362--375},
year = {2016},
author = {Ranita Biswas and Partha Bhowmick},
title = {On different topological of spherical geodesic paths and circles in {$Z^{3}$}},
journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
volume = {605},
pages = {146--163},
year = {2015},
author = {Ranita Biswas and Partha Bhowmick},
title = {From prima quadraginta octant to lattice sphere through
primitive integer operations},
journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
volume = {624},
pages = {56--72},
year = {2016},
author = {Cohen-Or, D. and Kaufman, A.},
title = {Fundamentals of surface voxelization},
journal = {Graphical Models and Image Processing},
volume = {57},
number = {6},
pages = {453--461},
year = {1995},
author = {Klette, R. and Rosenfeld, A.},
title = {Digital geometry: {Geometric} methods for digital picture analysis},
year = {2004},
publisher = {Elsevier}
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