

我正在为未来在纽约地区的护理工作写简历,当我编辑简历时,其中一部分总是掉到下一页,导致第一页基本为空。我不知道在谷歌上搜索什么,也不知道需要输入什么命令序列来告诉 LaTex 停止这样做。我在 ShareLatex 上找到了代码,并对其进行了修改,此外,出于某些原因,我还省略了一些个人信息。代码如下


%A Few Useful Packages
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%CV Sections inspired by: 
%Tweak a bit the top margin

%Italian hyphenation for the word: ''corporations''

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        {\Huge{Viengkham} \Huge{Vongsay}

%Section: Personal Data

\section{Personal Information}

    \textsc{Birth place:} & Location \\
    \textsc{Date of Birth:} & Birth date\\
    \textsc{Permanent Address:}   &  Location\\

    \textsc{Phone:}     & Number\\
    \textsc{Email:}     & \href{[email protected]}{[email protected]} \\
    \textsc{Fluent Spoken Languages:} & Langues \\
    \textsc{Florida Registered Nurse License Number:} & # \\
    \textsc{New York Registered Nurse License Number:} & #

% Section: Objective statement

    Joining a medical organization dedicated to delivering quality healthcare in a professional \\ setting.

% Section: Qualifications


% Section: Work Experience

\section{Work Experience}
% most recent occupation
 \emph{Current} & Registered Nurse at Post Anesthesia Care Unit in Memorial Hospital in Jacksonville Florida  \\\textsc{2008}&
 \\&\textbf{A. Pre-op}
\textbullet{Verification of patients, surgical procedure, medications allergies, vital signs and laboratory values}}
\textbullet{Facilitate all parameters to safeguard a safe transition to surgical suit}}

\textbf{B. Post-op}
\textbullet{Recover post-op surgical patients while working closely with anesthesia doctors to keep each patient in a stable and comfortable environment}}
\textbullet{Airway and cardiac monitoring}}
\\& \footnotesize{
\textbullet{Verification of all STAT post op orders}}
\textbullet{Obtaining all necessary parameters}}
\textbullet{Transfer or admitting patients once stabilized}}
\\& \footnotesize{
\textbullet{Supervision of all discharge parameters and education before patient is discharged home or to the floor}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
% second most recent occupation
 \textsc{2005 - 2008} & Registered Nurse on Medical/Surgical Unit at Memorial Hospital in Jacksonville Florida \\& Routine management of medical and surgical patients and communication with the other healthcare providers.\\& \footnotesize{
 \textbullet{Ongoing learning in daily nursing practice detailed to clinical reasoning, critical thinking, judgment, and decision making as appropriate.}}\\& \footnotesize{
 \textbullet{Collaborate with other members of healthcare team including, but not limited to, the physician, involved nurses, respiratory therapist, and physical therapists, compassion and support for each individual client.}}
% third most recent occupation
 \textsc{2004 - 2005} & Clinical Nurse in surgical unit at Mercy Hospital in Portland Maine.\\&
 \footnotesize{\textbullet{Tailor nursing care practice to each individual patient and family as needed}}\\&
 \footnotesize{\textbullet{Provide care for post-surgical patients to help them achieve optimal recovery}}
% fourth most recent occupation 
  \textsc{2001 - 2004} & Clinical Nurse in surgical unit at Maine Medical Center in Portland Maine.\\&
  \footnotesize{\textbullet{Work with many members of the healthcare team to provide care for the patient.}}\\&
  \footnotesize{\textbullet{Recover many different types of surgical patients, abdominal aortic aneurysm, thoractormy, cartoid, fem-pop, and any other type of vascular surgery}}
% fifth most recent occupation  
  \textsc{1991 - 2000} & Business Owner Vientiane Market in Portland Maine \\&\footnotesize{
  Purchase specialty items, Hiring
  } \multicolumn{2}{c}{} 
% should you wish to add any content to the second through fifth occupations you need to type \footnotesize{} and type as you please within the brackets. 

%Section: Education

% most recent academic certification
 \textsc{1995 - 2000} & University of Southern Maine  \\&\footnotesize{\emph{Bachelor of Science in Nursing}


\section{Volunteer and Extra Curicular Activities}
\textbullet{Celebrate Asia Jacksonville 2012 and 2013} 

% Section: Skills/Abilities

\section{Skills and Abilities}
\textbullet{Provide Excellent and compassionate care for patients in the past sixteen years as a clinical nurse.} \\

\textbullet{Excellent communication skills with patients and co-workers.} \\

\textbullet{Committed to  consistent above line of duty performance} 


%\XeTeXpdffile ''GMAT.pdf'' page 1 scaled 800



我尝试使用列表重新格式化您的文档。为了使其更像表格,我预先计算了缩进。一个区别是 现在\textbullet位于左列。您可以通过在 内嵌套另一个 itemize 来解决这个问题\item,尽管您可能需要重新计算\leftmarginii



\pagestyle{empty} % non-numbered pages


\section{Personal Information}

    \textsc{Birth place:} & Location \\
    \textsc{Date of Birth:} & Birth date\\
    \textsc{Permanent Address:}   &  Location\\
    \textsc{Phone:}     & Number\\
    \textsc{Email:}     & \href{[email protected]}{[email protected]} \\
    \textsc{Fluent Spoken Languages:} & Langues \\
    \textsc{Florida Registered Nurse License Number:} & \# \\
    \textsc{New York Registered Nurse License Number:} & \#

% Section: Objective statement

    Joining a medical organization dedicated to delivering quality healthcare in a professional setting.

% Section: Work Experience

\section{Work Experience}

  \emph{Current} \\
  \textsc{2005 - 2008} \\
  \textsc{2004 - 2005} \\
  \textsc{2001 - 2004}
\end{tabular}}% compute width of first column
\setlength{\leftmargini}{\dimexpr \labelwidth + 2\labelsep - \bibindent}% set indentation

% most recent occupation
   Registered Nurse at Post Anesthesia Care Unit in Memorial Hospital in Jacksonville Florida  \\

\item[]{\footnotesize\textbf{A. Pre-op}}
\item \footnotesize{Verification of patients, surgical procedure, medications allergies, vital signs and laboratory values}
\item \footnotesize{Facilitate all parameters to safeguard a safe transition to surgical suit}

\item[] \textbf{B. Post-op}
\item \footnotesize{Recover post-op surgical patients while working closely with anesthesia doctors
 to keep each patient in a stable and comfortable environment}
\item \footnotesize{Airway and cardiac monitoring}
\item \footnotesize{Verification of all STAT post op orders}
\item \footnotesize{Obtaining all necessary parameters}
\item \footnotesize{Transfer or admitting patients once stabilized}
\item \footnotesize{Supervision of all discharge parameters and education before patient is discharged home or to the floor}
% second most recent occupation
\item[\textsc{2005 - 2008}] Registered Nurse on Medical/Surgical Unit at Memorial Hospital in Jacksonville Florida \\
  Routine management of medical and surgical patients and communication with the other healthcare providers.
\item \footnotesize{Ongoing learning in daily nursing practice detailed to clinical reasoning, critical thinking, judgment, and decision making as appropriate.}
\item \footnotesize{Collaborate with other members of healthcare team including, but not limited to, the physician, involved nurses, respiratory therapist, and physical therapists, compassion and support for each individual client.}

% third most recent occupation
\item[\textsc{2004 - 2005}] Clinical Nurse in surgical unit at Mercy Hospital in Portland Maine.
\item \footnotesize{Tailor nursing care practice to each individual patient and family as needed}
\item \footnotesize{Provide care for post-surgical patients to help them achieve optimal recovery}

% fourth most recent occupation 
\item[\textsc{2001 - 2004}] Clinical Nurse in surgical unit at Maine Medical Center in Portland Maine.
\item \footnotesize{Work with many members of the healthcare team to provide care for the patient.}
\item \footnotesize{Recover many different types of surgical patients, abdominal aortic aneurysm, thoractormy, cartoid, fem-pop, and any other type of vascular surgery}

% fifth most recent occupation  
\item[\textsc{1991 - 2000}] Business Owner Vientiane Market in Portland Maine \\
\footnotesize{Purchase specialty items, Hiring}
% should you wish to add any content to the second through fifth occupations you need to type \footnotesize{} and type as you please within the brackets. 

