个人命令与 tikz calc 库不兼容

个人命令与 tikz calc 库不兼容

我编写了一个名为的个人命令\compo,它允许您在文本旁边放置一个图形:\compo[.4]{ text }{ figure };

使用 tikz calc 库创建图形时出现以下错误:

! Package tikz Error: + or - expected.

我安装了tikz babel library和,也使用了\shorthandoff\shortandon命令,但这并没有改变任何东西。我猜问题出在我的宏上。他的代码如下:

% new command \compo to place a figure next to a text
\par \noindent%

以下是一个 MCE:

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article} 

% new command \compo to place a figure next to a text
\par \noindent%


  Un triangle 

\begin{tikzpicture}[handle active characters in code]

\draw(-1,-1) rectangle (4,4);
\coordinate (B) at (0,0);
\coordinate  (C) at (3,0);
\coordinate(D) at (2,0);
\coordinate (Ap) at ($(C)!.35!-90:(B)$);
\draw (Ap)--(B)--(C)--cycle;




该问题是一个 catcode 问题。下面是一个更简单的演示:


\newcommand\compo[1]{#1} % compo does nothing but return it's argument
%%% Works:
    \coordinate (Ap) at ($(0,0)!0!(3,0)$);

%%% Breaks:
    \shorthandoff{!}    % \shorthandoff doesn't do anything because characters in 
    \begin{tikzpicture} % argument have already had their catcodes assigned
    \coordinate (Ap) at ($(0,0)!0!(3,0)$); % so the active ! causes an error here

请注意,我已将您的命令替换为一个只返回其参数而不执行任何操作的命令,但仍然会导致问题。为什么会导致问题?因为字符的 catcode 是在第一次解析时分配的。通常,在命令从 catcode active 更改为 catcode other!之后,会解析 tikzpicture 主体中的。但是,当在命令的参数中出现 时,会在评估任何主体之前解析整个命令主体。因此,已经处于活动状态,并且命令导致的 catcode 更改不执行任何操作。最好的解决方法是在命令内部执行 catcode 更改并调用 helpre 命令来获取参数:\shorthandoff{!}!!!\shorthandoff{!}\compo


% The wrapper command doesn't take any arguments, it just makes the catcode change and 
% calls the helper.
% The helper does all the work.
    \coordinate (Ap) at ($(0,0)!0!(3,0)$);



% Wrapper command just changes catcodes and calls helper
    \shorthandoff{!:}% Change the catcodes
    \compohelper % call helper to grab arguments
\newcommand{\compohelper}[3][0.5]{% do actual work
    \par \noindent%
    \shorthandon{!:}% restore catcodes

  Un triangle

        \draw(-1,-1) rectangle (4,4);
        \coordinate (B) at (0,0);
        \coordinate  (C) at (3,0);
        \coordinate(D) at (2,0);
        \coordinate (Ap) at ($(C)!.35!-90:(B)$);
        \draw (Ap)--(B)--(C)--cycle;
