使用 siunitx 时出现列宽和文本对齐问题

使用 siunitx 时出现列宽和文本对齐问题

我在格式化包含变量汇总统计信息的大型表格时遇到了问题。我的变量名称很长,我想保留这些名称,但如果没有办法,我可以使用它们的名称的快捷方式。问题是我想按小数点对齐数字,并且还希望表格的列之间具有相同的间距,并且列的名称恰好位于列上方的中心。我设法使用 S 列按小数点对齐,但表格仍然看起来不太好,因为列标题似乎并不正好位于每列数字上方的中间(例如列中位数和标准差),列标题中的文本似乎与数字相比向右移动。此外,最后一列和列“中位数”之间的空间显然比任何其他列之间的空间都大,所以如果可能的话,我想减少它,并且我想增加第一个“变量”列和第二列之间的空间。我认为问题在于我不知道 S 列选项 table-format=.... 中的数字代表什么:在不同的数字对齐问题中,他们建议使用不同的表格格式,但他们从来没有说明为什么 table-format=3.2 或 table-format=1.5,所以我很困惑应该使用哪一个以及为什么......下面是我的代码:

\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb} 
singlelinecheck=false % <-- important

\hypersetup{pdfstartview={XYZ null null 1.00},bookmarksnumbered,hypertexnames=false} 



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  @{}l  *{6}{S[table-format=1.5,table-space-text-post=*,table-align-text-post=false,group-digits=false,table-number-alignment=center]}@{}}
\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Variable}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{mean}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{st.dev}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{min}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{max}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{median}} &  {\textbf{Jarque - Bera}} \\
&      &       &       &     &   &  {\textbf{statistic}}      \\
Variable 1 that has a long name      & -2.198      &  0.948        &  -4.273     &   2.356    & -1.085     &   0.989\one    \\[1pt]
Variable 2 that has a long name      & -4.140      &  4.432        &  -16.019    &   6.289    & -2.846     &   1.919\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 3 that has a long name      & -0.899      &  0.592        &  -3.980     &   1.320    & -5.397     &   2.916\two    \\[1pt]
Variable 4 that has a long name      &  2.654      &  2.924        &  -1.482     &   9.295    &  1.992     &   0.878\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 5 that has a long name      &  -3.412     &  1.422        &  -5.768     &   8.929    & -0.813     &   0.898\two    \\[1pt]
Variable 6 that has a long name      & -0.250      &  4.382        &  -11.357    &   7.473    & -0.190     &   0.747\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 7 that has a long name      & -0.308      &  0.809        &  -2.726     &   4.120    & -0.243     &   4.937\one    \\[1pt]
Variable 8 that has a long name      & -3.741      &  11.595       &  -24.379    &   28.456   & -3.782     &   0.943\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 9 that has a long name      & -1.152      &  1.469        &  -9.872     &   5.253    & -0.217     &   0.991\two    \\[1pt]
Variable 10 that has a long name     & -0.409      &  2.580        &  -13.600    &   11.498   & -0.565     &   0.896\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 11 that has a long name     & 0.018       &  2.811        &  -4.874     &   5.996    & -5.003     &   1.997        \\[1pt]
Variable 12 that has a long name     & 0.772       &  1.496        &  -3.728     &   14.362   & 0.213      &  0.539\three   \\[1pt]
$N = 220$ & & & & & &  \\

\caption{Sample table}


生成下表: 在此处输入图片描述








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  @{}l  S[table-format=-1.3]S[table-format=2.3]S[table-format=-2.3]S[table-format=2.3]S[table-format=-1.3]S[table-format=1.6,table-align-text-post=false]@{}}
{\textbf{Variable}} & {\textbf{mean}}   &  {\textbf{st.dev}}     &   {\textbf{min}}   & {\textbf{max}}   & {\textbf{median}}  &  {\makecell{\textbf{Jarque-Bera} \\ \textbf{statistics}}}      \\
Variable 1 that has a long name      & -2.198      &  0.948        &  -4.273     &   2.356    & -1.085     &   0.989\one    \\[1pt]
Variable 2 that has a long name      & -4.140      &  4.432        &  -16.019    &   6.289    & -2.846     &   1.919\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 3 that has a long name      & -0.899      &  0.592        &  -3.980     &   1.320    & -5.397     &   2.916\two \\[1pt]
Variable 4 that has a long name      &  2.654      &  2.924        &  -1.482     &   9.295    &  1.992     &   0.878\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 5 that has a long name      &  -3.412     &  1.422        &  -5.768     &   8.929    & -0.813     &   0.898\two    \\[1pt]
Variable 6 that has a long name      & -0.250      &  4.382        &  -11.357    &   7.473    & -0.190     &   0.747\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 7 that has a long name      & -0.308      &  0.809        &  -2.726     &   4.120    & -0.243     &   4.937\one    \\[1pt]
Variable 8 that has a long name      & -3.741      &  11.595       &  -24.379    &   28.456   & -3.782     &   0.943\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 9 that has a long name      & -1.152      &  1.469        &  -9.872     &   5.253    & -0.217     &   0.991\two    \\[1pt]
Variable 10 that has a long name     & -0.409      &  2.580        &  -13.600    &   11.498   & -0.565     &   0.896\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 11 that has a long name     & 0.018       &  2.811        &  -4.874     &   5.996    & -5.003     &   1.997        \\[1pt]
Variable 12 that has a long name     & 0.772       &  1.496        &  -3.728     &   14.362   & 0.213      &  0.539\three   \\[1pt]
$N = 220$ & & & & & &  \\

\caption{Sample table}


在上面的例子中,我将multirows 替换为。此外,我根据其内容分别\makecell更改了每列table-format单元格的。例如,对于“平均值”列,我选择了,因为您有带有S-1.3最多有 小数点分隔符前的数字,最多分隔符后的数字。

上述 MWE 产生以下输出:(请注意,图像两侧的垂直线表示文本宽度。它们由 产生\usepackage{showframe})。




singlelinecheck=false % <-- important



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  @{}X  S[table-format=-1.3]S[table-format=2.3]S[table-format=-2.3]S[table-format=2.3]S[table-format=-1.3]S[table-format=1.6,table-align-text-post=false]@{}}
{\textbf{Variable}} & {\textbf{mean}}   &  {\textbf{st.dev}}     &   {\textbf{min}}   & {\textbf{max}}   & {\textbf{median}}  &  {\makecell{\textbf{Jarque-Bera} \\ \textbf{statistics}}}      \\
Variable 1 that has a long name      & -2.198      &  0.948        &  -4.273     &   2.356    & -1.085     &   0.989\one    \\[1pt]
Variable 2 that has a long name      & -4.140      &  4.432        &  -16.019    &   6.289    & -2.846     &   1.919\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 3 that has a long name      & -0.899      &  0.592        &  -3.980     &   1.320    & -5.397     &   2.916\two    \\[1pt]
Variable 4 that has a long name      &  2.654      &  2.924        &  -1.482     &   9.295    &  1.992     &   0.878\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 5 that has a long name      &  -3.412     &  1.422        &  -5.768     &   8.929    & -0.813     &   0.898\two    \\[1pt]
Variable 6 that has a long name      & -0.250      &  4.382        &  -11.357    &   7.473    & -0.190     &   0.747\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 7 that has a long name      & -0.308      &  0.809        &  -2.726     &   4.120    & -0.243     &   4.937\one    \\[1pt]
Variable 8 that has a long name      & -3.741      &  11.595       &  -24.379    &   28.456   & -3.782     &   0.943\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 9 that has a long name      & -1.152      &  1.469        &  -9.872     &   5.253    & -0.217     &   0.991\two    \\[1pt]
Variable 10 that has a long name     & -0.409      &  2.580        &  -13.600    &   11.498   & -0.565     &   0.896\three  \\[1pt]
Variable 11 that has a long name     & 0.018       &  2.811        &  -4.874     &   5.996    & -5.003     &   1.997        \\[1pt]
Variable 12 that has a long name     & 0.772       &  1.496        &  -3.728     &   14.362   & 0.213      &  0.539\three   \\[1pt]
$N = 220$ & & & & & &  \\

\caption{Sample table}








Variable & Mean & St.Dev & Min & Max & Median & Jaqua Berra Statistics\\\hline

Variable 1 that has a long name      & -2.198      &  0.948        &  -4.273     &   2.356    & -1.085     &   0.989${}^{*}$   \\
Variable 2 that has a long name      & -4.140      &  4.432        &  -16.019    &   6.289    & -2.846     &   1.919${}^{***}$  \\
Variable 3 that has a long name      & -0.899      &  0.592        &  -3.980     &   1.320    & -5.397     &   2.916${}^{**}$    \\
Variable 4 that has a long name      &  2.654      &  2.924        &  -1.482     &   9.295    &  1.992     &   0.878${}^{***}$  \\
Variable 5 that has a long name      &  -3.412     &  1.422        &  -5.768     &   8.929    & -0.813     &   0.898${}^{**}$    \\
Variable 6 that has a long name      & -0.250      &  4.382        &  -11.357    &   7.473    & -0.190     &   0.747${}^{***}$  \\
Variable 7 that has a long name      & -0.308      &  0.809        &  -2.726     &   4.120    & -0.243     &   4.937${}^{*}$    \\
Variable 8 that has a long name      & -3.741      &  11.595       &  -24.379    &   28.456   & -3.782     &   0.943${}^{***}$   \\
Variable 9 that has a long name      & -1.152      &  1.469        &  -9.872     &   5.253    & -0.217     &   0.991${}^{**}$   \\
Variable 10 that has a long name     & -0.409      &  2.580        &  -13.600    &   11.498   & -0.565     &   0.896${}^{***}$  \\
Variable 11 that has a long name     & 0.018       &  2.811        &  -4.874     &   5.996    & -5.003     &   1.997        \\
Variable 12 that has a long name     & 0.772       &  1.496        &  -3.728     &   14.362   & 0.213      &  0.539${}^{***}$   \\\hline
N = 220 & & & & & &  \\\hline
\caption{Sample Table}


