未满的 \hbox、未定义的引用和标签可能已发生改变。在已经正常工作后出现

未满的 \hbox、未定义的引用和标签可能已发生改变。在已经正常工作后出现

我的文档编译正确,直到我开始将内容复制并粘贴到另一个文档中。现在我收到 \hbox 未满、引用未定义和标签可能已更改的警告。我的所有\cite{key}引用现在都未定义。

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Before discussing the details of how the idea CP symmetry came to be, and how it was eventually broken, a brief elaboration of charge and parity conjugation is in order. Many are familiar with the concept of charge, electric charges are dealt with frequently. Charge is thought to be a fundamental property of matter, and charge conjugation is switching the charge of a piece of matter to negative of its original value. What this does is change matter to anti-matter, which is defined to be nearly equivalent to matter but with opposite charge.\cite{Scollia}  For example, conjugating the charge of a proton gives an anti-proton, and conjugating the charge of an electron gives you a positron. Parity conjugation is simply switching the spatial coordinates of something. If an object is located at a point $P=(1,3,5)$, conjugating its parity leaves it at a point $Q=(-1,-3,-5)$.\cite{Scollia} CP symmetry means that the laws of physics should remain the same, or be symmetric, when the two are conjugated separately. Physicists seem to like symmetry in theories, but these symmetries have certainly tested their patience. `

    \bibitem{Pandolfi} Pandolfi, Stephania. "CERN CASTs new limits on dark matter." \textit{CERN}. 1 May, 2017. \linebreak \indent https://home.cern/about/updates/2017/05/cern-casts-new-limits-dark-matter
    \bibitem{Chu}  Chu, Jennifer. "Team simulates a magnetar to seek dark matter particle." \textit{phys.org}. 7 October, 2016. \linebreak \indent https://phys.org/news/2016-10-team-simulates-magnetar-dark-particle.html\#nRlv
    \bibitem{Scollia} Scollia, Gabriella. "The Mystery of CP Violation." \textit{MIT Annual 2006}. 2006. \linebreak \indent http://web.mit.edu/physics/news/physicsatmit/physicsatmit\_06\_sciollafeature.pdf
    \bibitem{Nevis} "CP Violation." \textit{Nevis Labs}. \linebreak \indent https://www.nevis.columbia.edu/daedalus/motiv/cp.html
    \bibitem{IAXO} "IAXO, Physics" \textit{CERN}. \linebreak \indent http://iaxo.web.cern.ch/content/physics
    \bibitem{Wall} Wall, Mike. "What is Dark Matter? Prime Candidate Gets Profiled." \textit{space.com}. 2 November, 2016. \linebreak \indent https://www.space.com/34595-dark-matter-search-axion-mass.html
    \bibitem{Wesson} Wesson, Paul. "Fundamental Unsolved Problems in Physics and Astrophysics." \textit{Calphysics Institute}. \linebreak \indent http://www.calphysics.org/problems.pdf


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