

我正在尝试开发一些讲义。 我的代码如下:


    \large #1 \vskip0.5em

\title{Symplectic Geometry in Classical Mechanics }
\subtitle{Lecture 1}
\subsubtitle{Basics of Manifolds}


\section{Why Symplectic Geometry?}

It is a mathematical formalism underlying
\item Geometrical Optics  
\item Classical Mechanics
\item General Relativity
\item Quantum Mechanics

Such a unifying formalism help us to solve problems in one area of physics
by using ideas from another areas.
It doesn't work for systems with loss, friction or noise.





对于第一个问题,您可以使用titlesec其简化\titleformat* 命令。

至于边距,您可以使用 package 选择其值geometry。这是一种可能性,可以根据您的需要进行调整。我冒昧地简化了命令的代码\subtitle

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage[hmargin =2.5cm, showframe]{geometry}

    \large #1 \vskip0.5em

\title{Symplectic Geometry in Classical Mechanics }
\subtitle{Lecture 1}
\subsubtitle{Basics of Manifolds}




\section{Why Symplectic Geometry?}

It is a mathematical formalism underlying
\item Geometrical Optics
\item Classical Mechanics
\item General Relativity
\item Quantum Mechanics

Such a unifying formalism help us to solve problems in one area of physics
by using ideas from another areas.
It doesn't work for systems with loss, friction or noise.


