

由于某种原因,我的标题幻灯片和第二张幻灯片的编号为 1。之后,幻灯片的编号正确。有人能帮我正确编号吗?谢谢您的时间。

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\title{Spectral decomposition of a real symmetric matrix \\ by}
\\School of Computer Science

\date{May 2018}

%Here begins the body of the document


\frametitle{Eigenvalue and eigenvector pair of a matrix}
    \item Let \(A\in R^{n*n}\) be a real matrix of order n
    \item If there exist a scalar, \(\lambda(real/complex)\) and a vector,                  V(real/complex) such that 
        \\  \[A*V= \lambda*V-------->(1)\]\\ then \(\lambda\) is the eigen vector and V is the corresponding eigen vector of A
    \item The pair \((\lambda, V)\) satisfying (1) is called an eigen pair of A
    \item The set of all eigen values of A is called the spectrum of A


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%\usepackage{utopia} %font utopia imported
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\title[Spectral decomposition of a real symmetric matrix]{Spectral decomposition of a real symmetric matrix \\ by}
\\School of Computer Science

\date{May 2018}

%Here begins the body of the document


\frametitle{Eigenvalue and eigenvector pair of a matrix}
    \item Let \(A\in R^{n*n}\) be a real matrix of order n
    \item If there exist a scalar, \(\lambda(real/complex)\) and a vector,                  V(real/complex) such that 
        \\  \[A*V= \lambda*V-------->(1)\]\\ then \(\lambda\) is the eigen vector and V is the corresponding eigen vector of A
    \item The pair \((\lambda, V)\) satisfying (1) is called an eigen pair of A
    \item The set of all eigen values of A is called the spectrum of A



  • 将格式化指令放入宏中\author并不是一个好主意,至少可以提供一个可在脚注中使用的替代短标题。

  • 请注意,该utopia软件包已过时。(它在当前使用中不会产生任何影响)

  • 你不需要\usecolortheme{default},顾名思义,这个主题是默认加载的
