我想将特定选项传递给 moderncv 文档。
问题是选项已经被 moderncv 类 (debian 上的文件 /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/moderncv/moderncv.cls) 加载。
此 moderncv.cls 文件包含一个 hyperref 设置部分:
% hyper links (hyperref is loaded at the end of the preamble to pass options required by loaded packages such as CJK)
\newcommand*\pdfpagemode{UseNone}% do not show thumbnails or bookmarks on opening (on supporting browsers); set \pdfpagemode to "UseOutlines" to show bookmarks
\pagenumbering{arabic}% has to be issued before loading hyperref, as to set \thepage and hence to avoid hyperref issuing a warning and setting pdfpagelabels=false
\RequirePackage[unicode]{hyperref}% unicode is required for unicode pdf metadata
baseurl = http://,
pdfborder = 0 0 0,
pdfpagemode = \pdfpagemode,
pdfstartpage = 1,
pdfcreator = {\LaTeX{} with 'moderncv' package},
% pdfproducer = {\LaTeX{}},% will/should be set automatically to the correct TeX engine used
bookmarksopen = true,
bookmarksdepth= 2,% to show sections and subsections
pdfauthor = {\@firstname{}~\@lastname{}},
pdftitle = {\@firstname{}~\@lastname{}\notblank{\@title}{ -- \@title}{}},
pdfsubject = {Resum\'{e} of \@firstname{}~\@lastname{}},
pdfkeywords = {\@firstname{}~\@lastname{}, curriculum vit\ae{}, resum\'{e}}}}
我宁愿在我的 .tex 文档中输入超级设置选项,并希望它们覆盖 .cls 文件中描述的默认选项。
在我的 .tex 文档中,\hypersetup{}
因为LaTeX Error: Option clash for package hyperref.
hyperref 被调用了两次(在 .cls 和 .tex 中)。以下是完整的日志:
The package hyperref has already been loaded with options:
There has now been an attempt to load it with options
Adding the global options:
to your \documentclass declaration may fix this.
您显示的代码正在加载 hyperref \AtEndPreamble{
,以便在 hyperref 加载后稍后执行