使用 biblatex 无法正确呈现引文

使用 biblatex 无法正确呈现引文

$\cite{}\ 和 $\citep{}$ 的年份括号引用无法正确显示,并出现Undefined control sequence错误。我该如何让其正常工作并正确格式化?



This should be Giorgi (2002): \cite{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL}\\
This should be (Giorgi 2002): \citep{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL}\\
This should be (Giorgi 2002, Blodgett et al. 2008): \citep{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL,Blodgett:2008jg}\\
This is a book: \citep{Glesne:r1QiTFGB}



author = {Giorgi, Amedeo},
title = {{The Question of Validity in Qualitative Research}},
journal = {Journal of Phenomenological Psychology},
year = {2002},
volume = {33},
number = {1},
pages = {1--18},
month = mar

author = {Blodgett, Jeffrey G and Bakir, Aysen and Rose, Gregory M},
title = {{A test of the validity of Hofstede's cultural framework}},
journal = {Journal of Consumer Marketing},
year = {2008},
volume = {25},
number = {6},
pages = {339--349},
month = sep

author = {Glesne, Corrine and Peshkin, Alan},
title = {{Becoming qualitative researchers : an introduction}},
publisher = {White Plains, N.Y. : Longman},
year = {1992}










author = {Giorgi, Amedeo},
title = {{The Question of Validity in Qualitative Research}},
journal = {Journal of Phenomenological Psychology},
year = {2002},
volume = {33},
number = {1},
pages = {1--18},
month = mar

author = {Blodgett, Jeffrey G and Bakir, Aysen and Rose, Gregory M},
title = {{A test of the validity of Hofstede's cultural framework}},
journal = {Journal of Consumer Marketing},
year = {2008},
volume = {25},
number = {6},
pages = {339--349},
month = sep

author = {Glesne, Corrine and Peshkin, Alan},
title = {{Becoming qualitative researchers : an introduction}},
publisher = {White Plains, N.Y. : Longman},
year = {1992}



This should be Giorgi (2002): \citet{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL}\\
This should be (Giorgi 2002): \citep{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL}\\
This should be (Giorgi 2002, Blodgett et al. 2008): \citep{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL,Blodgett:2008jg}\\
This is a book: \citep{Glesne:r1QiTFGB}



正如评论中所建议的,natbib=true可以使用natbib引用命令。此代码还演示了如何使用 Biblatex 自己的命令来实现相同的结果。

\textcite\autocite依赖于样式。因此,如果您需要除 之外的其他内容authoryear,格式将相应地进行调整。\parencite逻辑性较差,外观标记较多。


author = {Giorgi, Amedeo},
title = {The Question of Validity in Qualitative Research},
journal = {Journal of Phenomenological Psychology},
year = {2002},
volume = {33},
number = {1},
pages = {1--18},
month = mar

author = {Blodgett, Jeffrey G and Bakir, Aysen and Rose, Gregory M},
title = {A Test of the Validity of {Hofstede}'s Cultural Framework},
journal = {Journal of Consumer Marketing},
year = {2008},
volume = {25},
number = {6},
pages = {339--349},
month = sep

author = {Glesne, Corrine and Peshkin, Alan},
title = {Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction},
address = {White Plains, N.Y.},
publisher= {Longman},
year = {1992}

\renewcommand*{\multicitedelim}{\addcomma\space}% corrected in light of moewe's comment

This should be Giorgi (2002): \textcite{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL}\\
This should be (Giorgi 2002): \autocite{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL}, \parencite{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL} or, with the \verb|natbib=true| option, \citep{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL}\\
This should be (Giorgi 2002, Blodgett et al. 2008): \citep{Giorgi:WsBBLFIL,Blodgett:2008jg}\\
This is a book: \citep{Glesne:r1QiTFGB}


