

我正在使用report类并一直使用它\framebox[\linewidth]{\rule{0pt}{2cm}}来创建一个具有一定高度的空框。现在,我想在那个空框中写入。通过引用如何使用 \makeemptybox{1.8in} 在框中写字?,我取得了以下成果:


  \hrule width \hsize height 0pt

\item Tell me about yourself.
    \item What is your name?
    \makenonemptybox{2cm}{My name is Nadia.}
    \item Where are you from?
    \makenonemptybox{2cm}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a venenatis lacus. Nunc vitae mollis neque. Maecenas vel arcu erat.}
    \item How old are you?
    \item[] \framebox[\linewidth]{\rule{0pt}{2cm}}


如您所见,\makenoemptybox与 相比, 的垂直空间更大\framebox(参见彩色箭头)。我如何才能使 形成的垂直空间与 的垂直空间\makenoemptybox一致\framebox



在定义中使用\makenonemptybox与 for 相同的方法来\framebox关闭当前段落。当然,这会限制其在列表环境中的使用。


\fbox{% added -2\fboxrule to specified width to avoid overfull hboxes
% and removed the -2\fboxsep from height specification (image not updated)
% because in MWE 2cm is should be height of contents excluding sep and frame
  \hrule width \hsize height 0pt

\item Tell me about yourself.
    \item What is your name?
          \makenonemptybox{2cm}{My name is Nadia.}
    \item Where are you from?
          \makenonemptybox{2cm}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a venenatis lacus. Nunc vitae mollis neque. Maecenas vel arcu erat.}
    \item How old are you?
    \item[] \framebox[\linewidth]{\rule{0pt}{2cm}}




\par 和 aminipage起作用:

\item Tell me about yourself.
    \item What is your name?
    \makenonemptybox{2cm}{My name is Nadia.}
    \item Where are you from?
    \makenonemptybox{2cm}{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a venenatis lacus. Nunc vitae mollis neque. Maecenas vel arcu erat.}
    \item How old are you?
    \item[] \framebox[\linewidth]{\rule{0pt}{2cm}}
