我在 Windows 上使用 LyX 2.3.0 尝试编写 beamer 演示文稿,但引用显示不正确。对于某些设置,它会显示“作者?”,而对于其他设置,它会显示类似“king_matrix_2014”的内容。无论如何,它都不会像应该的那样显示“King (2014)”。当我选择“数字”样式而不是“作者”时,我总是得到“?”。
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title = {Matrix method for comparing system and individual energy return ratios when considering an energy transition},
volume = {72},
issn = {0360-5442},
url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360544214005817},
doi = {10.1016/j.energy.2014.05.032},
abstract = {ERRs (Energy return ratios) are valuable metrics for understanding and comparing the contributions of individual energy technologies. It is also important to calculate ERRs in the context of a system, or economy, using a mix of energy technologies. In this paper I demonstrate a framework to simultaneously consider individual energy technology and system-wide ERRs using a process-based input{\textendash}output model approach. I demonstrate the approach via an example calculating grid electricity ERRs assuming constant technology with only a shift in dominance from fossil to renewable technology. The framework also enables interpretation of changes in individual ERRs due to a shift from one technology to another, with implications for energy scenario analyses. Another finding of this paper is that the ERR GER (gross energy ratio, often assumed equal to EROImm (energy return on energy invested at the {\textquoteleft}mine mouth{\textquoteright})), is only well-defined for primary energy extraction and not energy carriers such as gasoline and electricity. NER (Net energy ratio) and NEER (net external energy ratio), also known as EPR (energy payback ratio), are the most appropriate metrics for describing energy carriers sold to consumers.},
urldate = {2018-03-29},
journal = {Energy},
author = {King, Carey W.},
month = aug,
year = {2014},
note = {00011},
keywords = {excellent, EROI, Net energy, Energy, system, Life cycle assessment, Energy economics, Input{\textendash}output},
pages = {254--265},
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