具有不同列号的表格 - 全宽

具有不同列号的表格 - 全宽

我正在尝试在 beamer 中生成一个表格,如下图所示





此致 代码生成表

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        \caption{ Estimation results of $RI-RF=\alpha + \beta(RM-RF)+\epsilon_i$.}
                \multirow{2}{1pt}{Size quintile} & \multicolumn{10}{c}{Book-to-market  equity  (BE/ME) quintiles}\\
                & Low   & 2     & 3     & 4     & 5     & Low   & 2     & 3     & 4     & 5 \\
                & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\boldsymbol{$\beta$}} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{ \textbf{t(\boldmath$\beta$)}} \\
                \cmidrule(lr){2-6} \cmidrule(lr){7-11}
                Small & 20.6  & 20.8  & 20.2  & 19.4  & 15.1  & 0.30   & 0.62  & 0.84  & 1.09  & 1.80 \\
                2     & 89.7  & 89.3  & 89.3  & 89.9  & 88.5  & 0.31  & 0.60   & 0.83  & 1.09  & 1.71 \\
                3     & 209.3 & 211.9 & 210.8 & 214.8 & 210.7 & 0.31  & 0.60   & 0.84  & 1.08  & 1.66 \\
                4     & 535.1 & 537.4 & 545.4 & 551.6 & 538.7 & 0.31  & 0.61  & 0.84  & 1.09  & 1.67 \\
                Big   & 3583.7 & 2885.8 & 2819.5 & 2700.5 & 2337.9 & 0.29  & 0.59  & 0.83  & 1.08  & 1.56 \\
                & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{$R^2$}} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{s(\boldsymbol{$\epsilon$})}} \\
                \cmidrule(lr){2-6} \cmidrule(lr){7-11}
                Small & 0.69  & 0.49  & 0.46  & 0.48  & 0.64  & 428.0   & 276.6 & 263.8 & 291.5 & 512.7 \\
                2 & 0.92  & 0.71  & 0.65  & 0.61  & 0.55  & 121.6 & 94.0    & 86.7  & 79.8  & 71.3 \\
                3 & 1.78  & 1.36  & 1.26  & 1.14  & 0.82  & 102.7 & 78.3  & 73.0    & 64.5  & 45.9 \\
                4     & 3.95  & 3.01  & 2.71  & 2.41  & 1.50   & 90.1  & 68.9  & 60.7  & 53.1  & 33.4 \\
                Big   & 30.13 & 15.87 & 12.85 & 10.44 & 4.61  & 93.6  & 63.7  & 52.7  & 44.0    & 23.6 \\
                & \multicolumn{10}{c}{Excess returns on government and corporate bonds} \\
                & \multicolumn{10}{c}{\begin{tabular}{rrrrrrr} 1-5G & 6-10G & AAA & AA & A & BAA & LG \end{tabular}} \\
                \boldmath $\beta$    & \multicolumn{10}{c}{\begin{tabular}{rrrrrrr} 0.08 & 0.13 & 0.19 & 0.20 & 0.21 & 0.22 & 0.30 \end{tabular}} \\
                \textbf{t(\boldmath $\beta$)}     & \multicolumn{10}{c}{\begin{tabular}{rrrrrrr} 0.08 & 0.13 & 0.19 & 0.20 & 0.21 & 0.22 & 0.30 \end{tabular}} \\
                \boldmath$R^2$  &   \multicolumn{10}{c}{\begin{tabular}{rrrrrrr} 0.07 & 0.08 & 0.14 & 0.16 & 0.17 & 0.18 & 0.29 \end{tabular}} \\
                \textbf{s(\boldsymbol{$\epsilon$})}   &   \multicolumn{10}{c}{\begin{tabular}{rrrrrrr} 1.21 & 1.95 & 2.17 & 2.05 & 2.05 & 2.12 & 2.12 \end{tabular}} \\


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         \caption{ Estimation results of $RI-RF=\alpha + \beta(RM-RF)+\epsilon_i$.}
                \multirow{2}{1pt}{Size quintile} & \multicolumn{10}{c}{Book-to-market  equity  (BE/ME) quintiles}\\
                & Low   & 2     & 3     & 4     & 5     & Low   & 2     & 3     & 4     & 5 \\
                & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\boldsymbol{$\beta$}} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{ \textbf{t(\boldmath$\beta$)}} \\
                \cmidrule(lr){2-6} \cmidrule(lr){7-11}
                Small & 20.6  & 20.8  & 20.2  & 19.4  & 15.1  & 0.30   & 0.62  & 0.84  & 1.09  & 1.80 \\
                2     & 89.7  & 89.3  & 89.3  & 89.9  & 88.5  & 0.31  & 0.60   & 0.83  & 1.09  & 1.71 \\
                3     & 209.3 & 211.9 & 210.8 & 214.8 & 210.7 & 0.31  & 0.60   & 0.84  & 1.08  & 1.66 \\
                4     & 535.1 & 537.4 & 545.4 & 551.6 & 538.7 & 0.31  & 0.61  & 0.84  & 1.09  & 1.67 \\
                Big   & 3583.7 & 2885.8 & 2819.5 & 2700.5 & 2337.9 & 0.29  & 0.59  & 0.83  & 1.08  & 1.56 \\
                & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{$R^2$}} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{s(\boldsymbol{$\epsilon$})}} \\
                \cmidrule(lr){2-6} \cmidrule(lr){7-11}
                Small & 0.69  & 0.49  & 0.46  & 0.48  & 0.64  & 428.0   & 276.6 & 263.8 & 291.5 & 512.7 \\
                2 & 0.92  & 0.71  & 0.65  & 0.61  & 0.55  & 121.6 & 94.0    & 86.7  & 79.8  & 71.3 \\
                3 & 1.78  & 1.36  & 1.26  & 1.14  & 0.82  & 102.7 & 78.3  & 73.0    & 64.5  & 45.9 \\
                4     & 3.95  & 3.01  & 2.71  & 2.41  & 1.50   & 90.1  & 68.9  & 60.7  & 53.1  & 33.4 \\
                Big   & 30.13 & 15.87 & 12.85 & 10.44 & 4.61  & 93.6  & 63.7  & 52.7  & 44.0    & 23.6 \\
                 \multicolumn{7}{c}{Excess returns on government and corporate bonds} \\
                        1-5G & 6-10G & AAA & AA & A & BAA & LG\\
                        0.10 & 0.13 & 0.18 & 0.23 & 0.25 & 0.28 & 0.36\\





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\begin{frame}{Estimation results of 
$RI-RF = \alpha + \beta(RM-RF) + \epsilon_i$}
\multirow{2}{1pt}{Size quintile} & \multicolumn{10}{c}{Book-to-market equity (BE/ME) quintiles}\\
& Low   & 2     & 3     & 4     & 5     
& Low   & 2     & 3     & 4     & 5 \\
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{$\beta$} 
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{$t(\beta)$} \\
\cmidrule{2-6} \cmidrule{7-11}
Small & 20.6  & 20.8  & 20.2  & 19.4  & 15.1  & 0.30   & 0.62  & 0.84  & 1.09  & 1.80 \\
2     & 89.7  & 89.3  & 89.3  & 89.9  & 88.5  & 0.31  & 0.60   & 0.83  & 1.09  & 1.71 \\
3     & 209.3 & 211.9 & 210.8 & 214.8 & 210.7 & 0.31  & 0.60   & 0.84  & 1.08  & 1.66 \\
4     & 535.1 & 537.4 & 545.4 & 551.6 & 538.7 & 0.31  & 0.61  & 0.84  & 1.09  & 1.67 \\
Big   & 3583.7 & 2885.8 & 2819.5 & 2700.5 & 2337.9 & 0.29  & 0.59  & 0.83  & 1.08  & 1.56 \\
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{$R^2$} 
& \multicolumn{5}{c}{$s(\epsilon)$} \\
\cmidrule{2-6} \cmidrule{7-11}
Small & 0.69  & 0.49  & 0.46  & 0.48  & 0.64  & 428.0   & 276.6 & 263.8 & 291.5 & 512.7 \\
2 & 0.92  & 0.71  & 0.65  & 0.61  & 0.55  & 121.6 & 94.0    & 86.7  & 79.8  & 71.3 \\
3 & 1.78  & 1.36  & 1.26  & 1.14  & 0.82  & 102.7 & 78.3  & 73.0    & 64.5  & 45.9 \\
4     & 3.95  & 3.01  & 2.71  & 2.41  & 1.50   & 90.1  & 68.9  & 60.7  & 53.1  & 33.4 \\
Big   & 30.13 & 15.87 & 12.85 & 10.44 & 4.61  & 93.6  & 63.7  & 52.7  & 44.0    & 23.6 \\

\multicolumn{7}{c}{Excess returns on government and corporate bonds} \\[0.5ex]
1--5G & 6--10G & AAA & AA & A & BAA & LG\\
0.10 & 0.13 & 0.18 & 0.23 & 0.25 & 0.28 & 0.36\\

