使用 xstring 替换字符串中重新格式化的名称

使用 xstring 替换字符串中重新格式化的名称




\newcommand{\name}{John Doe}


% Macro to extract and store "last name" from full-name string
        {\StrBehind{\name}{. }}%
        {\StrBehind{\name}{ }}%

% Extract and store first name from full-name string
    \StrBefore{\name}{ }[\@firstname]

% Extract first initial from full-name string

% Extract middle initial (if any) from full-name string
    \StrBetween{\name}{ }{.}[\@middleinitial]

    \middleinitial % Find middle initial
        {No middle initial!}%
        {Middle initial: \@middleinitial}

% Surname first
    \middleinitial % Find middle initial
        {\@lastname, \@firstinitial.}%
        {\@lastname, \@firstinitial.~\@middleinitial.}

% Surname last
    \middleinitial % Find middle initial

% Render full name in bold

% Render only last name in bold

% Render surname-first and surname-last in bold






    \makeboldname{His name was John Doe.}

    \makeboldlastname{Again, Doe was his last name.}

    \makebold{I heard that Doe, J. was from Kentucky.}

    \makebold{There was also a J. Doe from New York.}













  \adam_name_define:n { #1 }

  \adam_name_makebold:n { #1 }

  \adam_name_makebold_lastname:n { #1 }

\tl_new:N \l_adam_name_full_tl
\tl_new:N \l_adam_name_first_tl
\tl_new:N \l_adam_name_last_tl
\tl_new:N \l_adam_name_initials_tl
\tl_new:N \l__adam_name_input_tl

\cs_new_protected:Nn \adam_name_define:n
  % store the full name
  \tl_set:Nn \l_adam_name_full_tl { #1 }
  % duplicate it in two token lists to be modified
  \tl_set_eq:NN \l_adam_name_first_tl \l_adam_name_full_tl
  \tl_set_eq:NN \l_adam_name_last_tl \l_adam_name_full_tl
  % remove everything from the last space to the end (first name)
  \regex_replace_once:nnN { (.*)\s[^\s]*\Z } { \1 } \l_adam_name_first_tl
  % remove everything up to the last space (surname)
  \regex_replace_once:nnN { .*\s([^\s]*)\Z } { \1 } \l_adam_name_last_tl
  % duplicate the token list with the first name
  \tl_set_eq:NN \l_adam_name_initials_tl \l_adam_name_first_tl
  % remove letters after the first in the first name part, replacing them with a period (initials)
  \regex_replace_all:nnN { ([[:alpha:]])[[:alpha:]]+ } { \1. } \l_adam_name_initials_tl

\cs_new_protected:Nn \adam_name_makebold:n
  \tl_set:Nn \l__adam_name_input_tl { #1 }
  % \u{<token list name>} stands for the contents of the token list
  % we'll search for “full name” or “initials surname” or
  % “surname, first name” or “surname, initials”
  % and replace the match with \textbf{\match}
     \u{l_adam_name_full_tl}                                   % name surname
     \u{l_adam_name_initials_tl} \s \u{l_adam_name_last_tl}    % initials surname
     \u{l_adam_name_last_tl} , \s \u{l_adam_name_first_tl}     % surname, name
     \u{l_adam_name_last_tl} , \s \u{l_adam_name_initials_tl}  % surname, initials
   { \c{textbf} \cB\{ \1 \cE\} }
  % print
  \tl_use:N \l__adam_name_input_tl

\cs_new_protected:Nn \adam_name_makebold_lastname:n
  \tl_set:Nn \l__adam_name_input_tl { #1 }
  % search for the surname and replace it with \textbf{<match>}
   { (\u{l_adam_name_last_tl}) }
   { \c{textbf} \cB\{ \1 \cE\} }
  \tl_use:N \l__adam_name_input_tl



\definename{John Doe}

\makebold{His name was John Doe.}

\makebold{His name was J. Doe.}

\makebold{His name was Doe, John.}

\makebold{His name was Doe, J. again.}

\makeboldlastname{Again, Doe was his last name.}

\definename{John T. Doe}

\makebold{His name was John T. Doe.}

\makebold{His name was J. T. Doe.}

\makebold{His name was Doe, John T. again.}

\makebold{His name was Doe, J. T. again.}

\makeboldlastname{Again, Doe was his last name.}




xstring正如承诺的那样,下面是其作者 Christian Tellechea给出的答案。




    \StrCount{#1}{ }[\nbspaces]%
    \StrCut[\nbspaces]{#1}{ }\firstname\lastname
    \IfSubStr\fisrtnameremain{ }
        {\StrBehind\fisrtnameremain{ }[\fisrtnameremain]}
    \edef\stringC{\lastname, \firstname}%
    \edef\stringD{\lastname, \firstnameinitial}%


    \makebold{John Doe}{His name was John Doe.}

    \makebold{John Doe}{His name was J. Doe.}

    \makebold{John Doe}{His name was Doe, John.}

    \makebold{John Doe}{Again, Doe was his last name.}

    \makebold{John T. Doe}{His name was John T. Doe.}

    \makebold{John T. Doe}{His name was J. T. Doe.}

    \makebold{John T. Doe}{His name was Doe, John T. again.}

    \makebold{John T. Doe}{His name was Doe, J. T. again.}

    \makebold{John T. Doe}{Again, Doe was his last name.}


