





  1. 当数据超过特定长度时,确保文本换行。
  2. 如图所示,对右下方单元格使用多列吗?


 % Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.
            \multirow{2}{*}{Outer index 1} & Inner index 1.1 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            & Inner index 1.2 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\ 
            \multirow{2}{*}{Outer index 2} & Inner index 2.1 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            & Inner index 2.2 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            \multirow{6}{*}{Outer index 3} &  Inner index 3.1 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            &Inner index 3.2 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            &Inner index 3.3 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            &Inner index 3.4 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            &Inner index 3.5 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            &Inner index 3.5 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            &Inner index 3.6 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\





  • tabularx对于X类型列和适合文本宽度的表格
  • \multicolumn 对于跨 2 列的单元格
  • 调整值以\multirow使文本在第一列垂直居中
  • 替换center环境,\centering因为前者在表格周围添加了额外的空白
  • 使用包装中的水平线booktabs来改善间距。

                \multirow{6}{*}{Outer index 1} & Inner index 1.1 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
                & Inner index 1.2 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\ 
                \multirow{6}{*}{Outer index 2} & Inner index 2.1 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
                & Inner index 2.2 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
                \multirow{9}{*}{Outer index 3} &  Inner index 3.1 & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
                &Inner index 3.2 & \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}X}{Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.  Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.}\\
                &Inner index 3.3 & \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}X}{ Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.  Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.}\\





            \multirow{6}{*}{Outer index 1} & \multirow{3}{*}{Inner index 1.1} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            & \multirow{3}{*}{Inner index 1.2} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\ 
            \multirow{6}{*}{Outer index 2} & \multirow{3}{*}{Inner index 2.1} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            & \multirow{3}{*}{Inner index 2.2} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            \multirow{9}{*}{Outer index 3} &  \multirow{3}{*}{Inner index 3.1} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            & \multirow{3}{*}{Inner index 3.2} & \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}X}{Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.  Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.}\\
            & \multirow{3}{*}{Inner index 3.3} & \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}X}{ Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.  Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.}\\



为了使第二列的文本垂直居中,您还可以将该makecell包与垂直居中X类型的列结合使用,如下面的 MWE 所示:



            \multirow{6}{*}{Outer index 1} & \makecell[cc]{Inner index 1.1} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            & \makecell[cc]{Inner index 1.2} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\ 
            \multirow{6}{*}{Outer index 2} & \makecell[cc]{Inner index 2.1} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            & \makecell[cc]{Inner index 2.2} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            \multirow{9}{*}{Outer index 3} &  \makecell[cc]{Inner index 3.1} & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped. & Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.\\
            & \makecell[cc]{Inner index 3.2} & \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}X}{Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.  Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.}\\
            & \makecell[cc]{Inner index 3.3} & \multicolumn{2}{>{\hsize=\dimexpr2\hsize+2\tabcolsep+\arrayrulewidth\relax\RaggedRight\arraybackslash}X}{ Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.  Text data placeholder. May be long enough that it needs to be wrapped.}\\

