


文本如下所示(假设文本在第 3 页):



3   “无尾注编号”:这是尾注的正文。”


我开始未编号的尾注,按页码和摘录引用 这让我接近了我想要的结果。我玩过enotez和其他包,但我离期望的结果更远了,而不是更接近了。我有三个无法解决的问题:

  1. 我无法用页码替换尾注编号(在尾注中)(它尝试重新定义@makeenmarkpageref,但没有成功)。页码后不应有句号。

  2. 我无法在删除章节编号的章节(即前言和结论)的尾注中获得标题。我知道我需要额外的代码来解决 * 版本的章节标题,但我尝试的组合没有得到想要的结果。

  3. 当一章没有尾注时(不太可能,但有可能),我希望从尾注中省略该章标题。在示例中,第二章的标题不会出现在尾注中。

我已经达到了目前能力的极限。我的 MWE 如下:





    \makebox[0pt][r]{\theenmark. \rule{0pt}{\dimexpr\ht\strutbox}}%
\apptocmd{\@makechapterhead} {\addtoendnotes{\protect\subsection* {\textsc{\MakeLowercase{\thechapter: #1}}}\indent}}{}{}



This is a sentence in the preface.\endnote{\textbf{``in the preface'':} This is the preface endnote. I have made each of the endnotes long so that the text will wrap.}

\chapter{First Chapter}
This is a sentence in the first chapter.\endnote{\textbf{``the first chapter'':} This is the first chapter endnote. I have made each of the endnotes long so that the text will wrap.}

\chapter{Second Chapter}
This is a sentence in the second chapter; it does not have an endnote.

\chapter{Third Chapter}
This is a sentence in the third chapter.\endnote{\textbf{``the third chapter'':} This is the third chapter endnote. I have made each of the endnotes long so that the text will wrap.}

This is a sentence in the conclusion.\endnote{\textbf{``in the conclusion'':} This is the conclusion endnote. I have made each of the endnotes long so that the text will wrap.}




MWE 给我以下结果(在尾注中没有前言或结论标题,也没有页码而是尾注编号): 在此处输入图片描述


Memoir 提供了\pagenote作为包的替代方案endnote来创建尾注。通过调整代码,\pagenote您可以获得正确的盲注尾注。以下代码基于回忆录类尾注 \idtextinnotes 和 \printpageinnotes 的反向顺序以获得期望的结果。



  1. 它显示的是尾注的页码而不是尾注编号。
  2. 它在注释中包含了未编号章节的标题(例如,前言、结论)。
  3. 它不显示没有尾注的章节的标题。


\renewcommand*{\pagenotesubhead}[3]{\section*{#2: #3}}
\renewcommand\pagenotesubheadstarred[3]{\section*{#2 #3}}
\renewcommand*{\idtextinnotes}[1]{\textbf{``#1'':}\hskip .5em}
\renewcommand*{\pageinnotes}[1]{\pageref{#1}\hskip .5em}
\renewcommand{\prenoteinnotes}{\par\noindent\hangindent 2em}
  \hskip 1em




This is a sentence in the preface.\pagenote[in the preface]{This is the preface endnote. I have made each of the endnotes long so that the text will wrap.} This is a second sentences in the preface, to test what happens when there are two notes.\pagenote[are two notes]{This is the second preface endnote. I have made each of the endnotes long so that the text will wrap.}

\chapter{First Chapter}

This is a sentence in the first chapter.\pagenote[the first chapter]{This is the first chapter endnote. I have made each of the endnotes long so that the text will wrap.}

\chapter{Second Chapter}

This is a sentence in the second chapter; it does not have an endnote.

\chapter{Third Chapter}

This is a sentence in the third chapter.\pagenote[the third chapter]{This is the third chapter endnote. I have made each of the endnotes long so that the text will wrap.}


This is a sentence in the conclusion.\pagenote[in the conclusion]{This is the conclusion endnote. I have made each of the endnotes long so that the text will wrap.}





