LaTeX 文档编译成功,但 tikzpicture 未显示

LaTeX 文档编译成功,但 tikzpicture 未显示

我目前正在将大型 LaTeX 文档从一种布局移动到另一个布局。我对这个 tikzpicture 图形有问题,尽管 LaTeX 编译没有任何问题,但它并没有出现在最终的 PDF 中:

% **************************************************
    paper=A4,               % paper size
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    parskip=full,           % spacing value / method for paragraphs
    chapterprefix=true,     % prefix for chapter marks
    11pt,                   % font size
    headings=normal,        % size of headings
    bibliography=totoc,     % include bib in toc
    listof=totoc,           % include listof entries in toc
    titlepage=on,           % own page for each title page
    captions=tableabove,    % display table captions above the float env
    draft=false,            % value for draft version


% Gaussian plot with #1 = mean and #2 = standard deviation


\textbf{MWE} \\
Here we go...
    \begin{axis}[every axis plot post/.append style={mark=none,domain=-10:10,samples=100,smooth},
    enlargelimits=upper,legend style={at={(1.02,0.825)},anchor=west}] % extend the axes a bit to the right and top
    \addplot [line width=0.25mm, red,dotted] {gauss(0,1)};
    \addplot [line width=0.25mm, blue,dashed] {gauss(0,2)};
    \addplot [line width=0.25mm, green] {gauss(1,1)};
    \addplot [line width=0.25mm, orange,dashdotted] {gauss(1,2)};

    \addlegendentry{Gaussian with $\mu = 0$ and $\sigma = 1$}
    \addlegendentry{Gaussian with $\mu = 0$ and $\sigma = 2$}
    \addlegendentry{Gaussian with $\mu = 1$ and $\sigma = 1$}
    \addlegendentry{Gaussian with $\mu = 1$ and $\sigma = 2$}
    \caption{My label} \label{fig:MyLabel}




% **************************************************
    paper=A4,               % paper size
    twoside=true,           % onesite or twoside printing
    openright,              % doublepage cleaning ends up right side
    parskip=full,           % spacing value / method for paragraphs
    chapterprefix=true,     % prefix for chapter marks
    11pt,                   % font size
    headings=normal,        % size of headings
    bibliography=totoc,     % include bib in toc
    listof=totoc,           % include listof entries in toc
    titlepage=on,           % own page for each title page
    captions=tableabove,    % display table captions above the float env
    draft=false,            % value for draft version


% Gaussian plot with #1 = mean and #2 = standard deviation


\textbf{MWE} \\
Here we go...
    \begin{axis}[every axis plot post/.append style={mark=none,domain=-10:10,samples=100,smooth},
    enlargelimits=upper,legend style={at={(1.02,0.825)},anchor=west}] % extend the axes a bit to the right and top
    \addplot [line width=0.25mm, red,dotted] {gauss(0,1)};
    \addplot [line width=0.25mm, blue,dashed] {gauss(0,2)};
    \addplot [line width=0.25mm, green] {gauss(1,1)};
    \addplot [line width=0.25mm, orange,dashdotted] {gauss(1,2)};

    \addlegendentry{Gaussian with $\mu = 0$ and $\sigma = 1$}
    \addlegendentry{Gaussian with $\mu = 0$ and $\sigma = 2$}
    \addlegendentry{Gaussian with $\mu = 1$ and $\sigma = 1$}
    \addlegendentry{Gaussian with $\mu = 1$ and $\sigma = 2$}
    \caption{My label} \label{fig:MyLabel}

