我需要让第一行上的单词之间的距离不要像例 1(ovaj 和 zadatak)和例 3(je 和 vazan)那样宽。另外,如果可能的话,我希望括号内的第二行与第一行更加对齐。有什么建议吗?感谢您的任何建议。这是我借用的代码:
\setlength{\arrowht}{-2.5ex}% <-- changed
\newcommand*\exdepthstrut{{\vrule height 0.75\arrowht depth
-0.25\arrowht width 0pt}}% <-- changed
\newcommand\tikzmark[1]{\tikz[remember picture, baseline=(#1.base)]
\node[anchor=base,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] (#1)
% This code from http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/55068/2693
ncbar angle/.initial=90,
to path=(\tikztostart)
-- ($(\tikztostart)!#1!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ncbar angle}:(\tikztotarget)$)
-- ($(\tikztotarget)!($(\tikztostart)!#1!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ncbar angle}:(\tikztotarget)$)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/ncbar angle}:(\tikztostart)$)
-- (\tikztotarget)
ncbar/.default=\arrowht,% <-- changed
% Thanks to Paul Gessler and Percusse for code improvement here
\newcommand{\arrow}[2]{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[->,shorten >=1ex,shorten <=1ex] ([yshift=1.25ex] #1.south) to
[ncbar] ([yshift=1.25ex] #2.south);% <-- changed
\item Merger of Be:
\ex Complex predicate formation
\gll ~\tikzmark{vazan} ~be ovaj zadatak veoma \tikzmark{t}\\
~[BeP [PredP $t_i${important$_i$}]][Be][ KP {this task$_i$}
[PredP {very} [Pred {$t_i$} ]]]] ]\\
\item Merger of T:
\ex Be to T
\gll ~\tikzmark{je} vazan \tikzmark{t} ovaj zadatak veoma t t\\
~[T [Be {is$_k$} [T]] [BeP {[PredP$_j$ {$t_i$} {important$_j$}
]} [Be t_k ] [ KP {this task$_i$} [PredP {very} $t_j$ ]]]]\\
\item merger of TP
\ex Predicate inversion
\gll ~\tikzmark{Veoma} je vazan t ovaj zadatak \tikzmark{t} t
~[TP [PredP$_l$ {very} $t_j$ ][T [Be {is$_k$} [T]] [BeP
{[PredP$_j$ {$t_i$} {important$_j$} ]} [Be t_k ] [ KP {this