如何使用 Lettrine 写短段落

如何使用 Lettrine 写短段落

我尝试使用 lettrine,一切都很顺利,直到出现一个短段落。文本开始与第一个字符重叠。




\lettrine[lines=3]{T}{his} are a few words.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.




\def\zzdef#1\relax{\edef\L@parshape{\the\numexpr\count@-1\relax\space #1}}


\lettrine[lines=2]{T}{his} are a few words.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

! 缺失数字,视为零。\relax\zz



以 \zz 开头的命令始终有效:-)




\def\zzdef#1\relax{\edef\L@parshape{\the\numexpr\count@-1\relax\space #1}}


\lettrine[lines=2]{T}{his} are a few words.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.


欢迎来到 TeX.SE!好吧,我想说,一般来说,\lettrine段落越长,使用效果越好,这样看起来就更好了……

对于你的情况,我更倾向于你链接问题中第二个答案中给出的其他解决方案。请参阅以下 mwe



\def\Fpar{\hfil\vadjust{\vskip\parskip}\break\indent} % <===============
\def\Fparn{\hfil\vadjust{\vskip\parskip}\break\noindent} % <============

\lettrine[lines=2]{T}{his} are a few words.\Fparn % <=================== 1
Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. 
This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.
Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. 
This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. 
This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. 
This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

\lettrine[lines=2]{T}{his} are a few words. % <========================= 2
Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. 
This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.
Now some more words overlapping the ``T''. 
This paragraph must be long enough so the problem appears.

\lettrine[lines=2]{T}{his} is a short paragraph.\Fpar % <=============== 3
This is a longer one, which fills all the lines taken up by the large 
letter, but unfortunately is not properly indented to accommodate that 

This is a longer one, which fills all the lines taken up by the large 
letter, but unfortunately is not properly indented to accommodate that 


并查看以下结果 pdf:

带有标记的 PDF 结果

请参见图片中的红色 1:我在这里\Fparn没有为新段落使用缩进。看起来有一个小缩进,但请按照红线 4 标记带有红色箭头 2 的标记。在那里,您会在较长的段落中看到相同的行为。带有红色箭头 3 的段落显示了使用 lettrine 的第二段的缩进。这对我来说看起来不太好看...

您可以看到新段落的标准缩进以第 5 行标记。
