改善 Latex 中表格的外观

改善 Latex 中表格的外观

我在 Latex 中创建了一个表格来显示一些框架的比较数据。我该如何改善它的外观?


 & Flutter & React Native & NativeScript & Ionic
 \\ \hline
Wrapper/ Container & No & No & No & WebViews by Apache Cordova
\\ \hline
Other ways of accessing native APIs &
  \item Built-in classes
  \item Third- party plugins
 & \begin{itemize}
  \item Built-in React APIs through JS
  \item Native modules
\end{itemize} & Plugins developed by NativeScript team through JS
 & Plugins are offered by Apache Cordova to access the native APIs of the device through WebViews
\\ \hline
Disadvantages & Not so many plugins in the ecosystem, so many need to be implemented & \begin{itemize}
  \item Core maintainers of modules may quit
  \item Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform
\end{itemize} & Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform if plugins need to be developed & Not direct access to native features of device because of WebViews
\caption{Short comparison between the four cross platform mobile development frameworks. 
\parencite{ReactNativeFramework, NativeScript, MobileChallenges2013, IonicWebsite, FlutterFramework}}



\hline我也不会使用垂直线来分隔列 - 它们是不需要的,并且除了在环境的最后之外我不会使用指令tabularx



\providecommand\parencite[1]{\#} % dummy definition


\newlist{mylist}{itemize}{1} % create a bespoke itemize-like list

\hyphenation{web-views native-script} % provide additional hyphenation exceptions

\setlength\extrarowheight{2pt} % for a more open "look"
\setlength\tabcolsep{5pt} % default: 6pt

%\centering % not needed
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ P{20mm} *{4}{L} }
& Flutter & React Native & NativeScript & Ionic \\ 
Wrapper\slash Container & No & No & No & WebViews by Apache Cordova \\ 
Other ways of accessing native APIs &
  \item Built-in classes
  \item Third-party plugins
  \end{mylist} & 
  \item Built-in React APIs through JS
  \item Native modules
  \end{mylist} & 
  Plugins developed by NativeScript team through JS & 
  Plugins are offered by Apache Cordova to access the native APIs of the device through WebViews \\ 
Disadvantages & Not so many plugins in the ecosystem, so many need to be implemented & 
  \item Core maintainers of modules may quit
  \item Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform
  \end{mylist} & 
  Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform if plugins need to be developed 
  & Not direct access to native features of device because of WebViews \\ 
\hline % <-- new

\caption{Short comparison between the four cross platform mobile development frameworks. 
\parencite{ReactNativeFramework, NativeScript, MobileChallenges2013, IonicWebsite, FlutterFramework}}


附录解决 @pzorba75 提出的后续问题:提供etoolbox了指令\BeforeBeginEnvironment\AfterEndEnvironment。上述代码中使用这两个指令将每个mylist环境“封装”在minipage环境中。封装会自动消除原本会插入到列表第一个之前\item和最后一个之下的空格\item。(如果您不使用minipage方法,则必须手动消除空格,如在Zarko 的类似回答


\newlist{mylist}{itemize}{1} % create a bespoke itemize-like list

\newlist{mylist}{itemize}{1} % create a bespoke itemize-like list







  • 通过使用geometry包及其默认的页面边框设置,文本宽度会增加。这样可以为表格列提供更多空间。因此,文本可以比宽度为 25 毫米的单元格更美观。
  • 对于表格环境,tabularx规定的表格宽度等于文本宽度。使用它,列的宽度会自动适应可用的文本宽度。
  • L使用\RaggedRightfrom包定义 列类型ragged2e。通过它,单元格的内容与单词的左对齐,必要时使用连字符。通过这种方式,单元格的内容具有统一的单词间距,看起来更美观
  • \small为了使单元格中的文本间距更好,使用字体大小。
  • 对于列表 ( itemize) 使用enumitem包,可以对列表进行简单的自定义。它etoolbox适用于表格(列表前后没有垂直空间,项目之间没有垂直空间,最小化左列表边框)
  • 表格规则来自booktabs包。它们的数量也减少
  • 省略了行的颜色(它们也不能很好地与booktabs包中的规则配合使用)
    \usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}
    \hyphenation{dis-advant-ages native-script plug-ins} 

    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} >{\RaggedRight\hsize=0.8\hsize}X
                                *{4}{>{\RaggedRight\hsize=1.05\hsize}X} @{}}
        & Flutter   & React Native  & NativeScript  & Ionic     \\
    Wrapper/ Container
        & No        & No            & No            & WebViews by Apache Cordova \\ \addlinespace
    Other ways of accessing native APIs &
      \item Built-in classes
      \item Third- party plugins
                    &   \begin{itemize}
            \item Built-in React APIs through JS
            \item Native modules
            \end{itemize}   & Plugins developed by NativeScript team through JS
                                        & Plugins are offered by Apache Cordova to access the native APIs of the device through WebViews  \\
    Disadvantages & Not so many plugins in the ecosystem, so many need to be implemented
                    &   \begin{itemize}
      \item Core maintainers of modules may quit
      \item Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform
                        \end{itemize}   & Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform if plugins need to be developed
                                        & Not direct access to native features of device because of WebViews \\
    \caption{Short comparison between the four cross platform mobile development frameworks.
    %\parencite{ReactNativeFramework, NativeScript, MobileChallenges2013, IonicWebsite, FlutterFramework}








        & Flutter & React Native & NativeScript & Ionic
        \\ \hline
        Wrapper/ Container & No & No & No & WebViews by Apache Cordova
        \\ \hline
        Other ways of accessing native APIs &
            \item Built-in classes
            \item Third- party plugins
        & \begin{itemize}
            \item Built-in React APIs through JS
            \item Native modules
        \end{itemize} & Plugins developed by NativeScript team through JS
        & Plugins are offered by Apache Cordova to access the native APIs of the device through WebViews
        \\ \hline
        Disadvantages & Not so many plugins in the ecosystem, so many need to be implemented & 
            \item Core maintainers of modules may quit
            \item Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform
        \end{itemize} & Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform if plugins need to be 
        developed & 
        Not direct access to native features of device because of WebViews
    \caption{Short comparison between the four cross platform mobile development frameworks. 
        \parencite{ReactNativeFramework, NativeScript, MobileChallenges2013, IonicWebsite, 






由于有几列包含大量不同数量的文本,我认为没有必要保持列数相等,因此我在这里选择tabulary。 使用默认边距,结果可能是:




    & Flutter & React Native & NativeScript & Ionic \\\midrule
Wrapper/ \mbox{Container} & No & No & No & WebViews by Apache Cordova\\\addlinespace
Other ways \par of accessing \par native APIs &
\item Built-in classes\par\smallskip
\item Third-party plugins
\item Built-in React APIs through JS\par\smallskip
\item Native modules
Plugins developed by NativeScript team through JS  & 
Plugins are offered by Apache Cordova to access the native APIs of the device through WebViews\\\addlinespace
Disadvantages & 
Not so many plugins in the ecosystem, so many need to be implemented & 
\item Core maintainers of modules may quit\par\smallskip
\item Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform

& Knowledge of usage of native APIs for each platform if plugins need to be developed & Not direct access to native features of device because of WebViews\\\bottomrule


\caption{Short comparison between the four cross platform mobile development frameworks.}
