我在自定义标签及其位置方面遇到了问题,尤其是坐标中有负值时。如果起始值为负,则无法获取 y 轴右侧的位置,并且其高度会偏移。您有解决方案吗?
% !TeX program = xelatex
\rput(2,1){position ok}
\rput(2,1){position not ok}
\rput(2,0.5){labels on left side}
\rput(2,1){position ok}
\rput(2,1){position not ok}
\rput(2,0.5){labels on left side}
\rput(2,0){and shifted down}
Red Corner for Reference Position
\ifx#2\empty\else\ifdim#1>\z@ \advance#1 by -7\pslinewidth\else\advance#1 by 7\pslinewidth\fi\fi
\pst@cnta=#1\relax % % Distance (in sp) to end.
\divide\pst@cnta\psk@dy\relax% % Number of ticks/labels
\pst@dima=\psk@dy sp% % Space between ticks.
\ifdim\pst@pmtempb pt < \z@
\ifdim \nA pt < \z@ \def\nB{-\nA}\else \def\nB{\nA}\fi
\rput(2,1){position ok}
\rput(2,1){position not ok}
\rput(2,0.5){labels on left side}
\rput(2,1){position ok}
\rput(2,1){position not ok}
\rput(2,0.5){labels on left side}
\rput(2,0){and shifted down}
Red Corner for Reference Position
\rput(2,1){position not ok}
\rput(2,0.5){labels on left side}
\rput(2,0){and shifted down}