


\newcommand{\response}[3]{Comment by Reviewer #1 \\ Comment: #2 \\ Response: #3}


审稿人 1 的评论


回应: 这是回应。


审稿人 2 的评论


回应: 这是回应。






  • 可能的审阅者的名字是“John Doe”和“John Smith”,
    并且响应和答案条目转到外部文件\jobname.rvall\jobname.rvdoe/ \jobname.rvsmith
  • (注释和响应)的第二个和第三个参数\response将在 verbatim-category-code-regime 下读取。如果您愿意或需要,
    可以使用 verbatim-delimiters(如 -command 中所示),而不是将这些参数嵌套在括号中。\verb

    在正文中这些参数将被输入到 eTeX' \scantokens

    这些参数也将逐字复制/写入.aux-file 和文件\jobname.rvall\jobname.rvdoe相应的\jobname.rvsmith

您可以通过将文件\jobname.rvall\jobname.rvdoe/导入到其他 TeX 文档中。 您需要做的就是确保在这些其他 TeX 文档中定义了宏/来处理这三个参数。 如果您使用下面的方法定义它们,让它们在 verbatim-category-code-régime 下使用 -syntax 读取第二个和第三个参数,那么您还可以让它们包含诸如和不平衡括号之类的内容。\jobname.rvsmith\input


这有点像是LaTeX 2e 内核的/机制的重新实现。(该机制也是/ 、、等的基础。)@starttoc{⟨tocfile⟩}\addtocontents{⟨tocfile⟩}{...}\tableofcontents\addcontentsline\listoffigures\listoftables





\dummylistofreviewersresponses{⟨reviewer⟩}导致.rv⟨reviewer⟩-file 被写入但不将其内容传送到文档中。


% Due to usage of \detokenize and \scantokens compiling this file
% requires LaTeX with eTeX-extensions.
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
  \@secondoftwo\string}\@firstofone{\expandafter} %
  \@secondoftwo}{\@firstofone{\expandafter} \@firstoftwo}%
%% Extract K-th inner undelimited argument:
%% \UD@ExtractKthArg{<integer K>}{<list of undelimited args>} 
%% In case there is no K-th argument in <list of indelimited args> : 
%%   Does not deliver any token.
%% In case there is a K-th argument in <list of indelimited args> : 
%%   Does deliver that K-th argument with one level of braces removed.
%% Examples:
%%   \UD@ExtractKthArg{0}{ABCDE} yields: <nothing>
%%   \UD@ExtractKthArg{3}{ABCDE} yields:  C
%%   \UD@ExtractKthArg{3}{AB{CD}E} yields:  CD
%%   \UD@ExtractKthArg{4}{{001}{002}{003}{004}{005}} yields: 004
%%   \UD@ExtractKthArg{6}{{001}{002}{003}} yields: <nothing> 
  % #1: <integer number K>
  \expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000}%
  \UD@CheckWhetherNull{#1}{ }{%
  \expandafter\UD@CheckWhetherNull\expandafter{\@firstoftwo#2{}.}{ }{%
  {\@firstoftwo\expandafter{} \@secondoftwo{}#1}%
%% Check whether argument contains no exclamation mark which is not nested in 
%% braces:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNoExclam{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                         {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                           contains no exclamation mark>}%
%%                         {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                           contains exclamation mark>}%
%% Act depending on whether argument is "John Doe" or "John Smith":
%% \reviewerfork{<Argument>}{%
%%   {<tokens in case <Argument> is John Doe>}%
%%   {<tokens in case <Argument> is John Smith>}%
%%   {<tokens in case <Argument> is something else>}%
%% }
    !#1!John Smith!{\@firstoftwo{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}{} \UD@ExtractKthArg{1}}%
    !John Doe!#1!{\@firstoftwo{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}{} \UD@ExtractKthArg{2}}%
    !John Doe!John Smith!{\@firstoftwo{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}{} \UD@ExtractKthArg{3}}%
   \@firstoftwo{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}{} \UD@ExtractKthArg{3}%
\long\def\@reviewerfork#1!John Doe!John Smith!#2#3!!!!{#2}%
%% Act depending on whether is known/unknown:
%% \CheckWhetherReviewerknown{<Argument>}
%%                           {<tokens in case <Argument> is a known reviewer>}%
%%                           {<tokens in case <Argument> is not a known reviewer>}%
     {\@firstofone{\expandafter} \@firstoftwo}%
     {\@firstofone{\expandafter} \@firstoftwo}%
     {\@firstofone{\expandafter} \@secondoftwo}%
%% Error-message in case the reviewer is unknown:
%% \unknownreviewererror{<reviewer>}%
%%                      {<name of macro that called \unknownreviewererror>}
   \@backslashchar#2-error\on@line: Reviewer `\detokenize{#1}' unknown%
    See the comments of this file for explanation.%
    Known reviewers in this demo are `John Doe' and `John Smith'.%
    \MessageBreak(The reviewer-argument is case sensitive.)%
%%======================Code for \UDcollectverbarg=============================
%% \UDcollectverbarg{^^M-replacement}{<mandatory 1>}{<mandatory 2>}|<verbatim arg>|
%% reads <verbatim arg> under verbatim-catcode-regime and delivers:
%%    <mandatory 1>{<mandatory 2>{<verbatim arg>}{|<verbatim arg>|}}
%% Instead of verbatim-delimiter | the <verbatim arg> can be nested in braces.
%% You cannot use percent or spaces or horizontal tab as verbatim-delimiter.
%% You can use <mandatory 1> for nesting calls to \UDcollectverbarg.
%% <mandatory 2> gets the <verbatim arg> twice: Once without verbatim-delimiters/braces,
%% once surrounded by verbatim-delimiters/braces.
%% Reason: When you feed it to \scantokens you don't need the verbatim-delimiters.
%%         When you use it for writing to temporary files and reading back,
%%         you need them.
\catcode`\^^M=12 %
      { #5{#4#2}}{\@UDEndlreplace{#1}#3\relax{#4#2#1}{#5}}%
  \let\do\@makeother % <- this and the next line switch to
  \dospecials        %    verbatim-category-code-régime.
  \catcode`\{=1      % <- give opening curly brace the usual catcode so a 
                     %    curly-brace-balanced argument can be gathered in
                     %    case of the first thing of the verbatimized-argument 
                     %    being a curly opening brace.
  \catcode`\ =10     % <- give space and horizontal tab the usual catcode so \UD@collectverbarg
  \catcode`\^^I=10   %    cannot catch a space or a horizontal tab as its 4th undelimited argument.
                     %    (Its 4th undelimited argument denotes the verbatim-
                     %     syntax-delimiter in case of not gathering a
                     %     curly-brace-nested argument.)
  \catcode`\%=14     % <- make percent comment.
  {% seems a curly-brace-nested argument is to be caught:
    \catcode`\}=2    % <- give closing curly brace the usual catcode also.
  }{% seems an argument with verbatim-syntax-delimiter is to be caught:
    \do\{% <- give opening curly brace the verbatim-catcode again.
  \do\ %   <- Now that \UD@collectverbarg has the delimiter or
  \do\^^I%    emptiness in its 4th arg, give space and horizontal tab
         %    the verbatim-catcode again.
  \do\^^M% <- Give the carriage-return-character the verbatim-catcode.
  \do\%%   <- Give the percent-character the verbatim-catcode.
    \@onelevel@sanitize\@tempb % <- Turn characters into their "12/other"-pendants.
                               %    This may be important with things like the 
                               %    inputenc-package which may make characters 
                               %    active/which give them catcode 13(active).
    \expandafter\UDEndlreplace\expandafter{\@tempb}{#1}{\def\@tempb}% <- this starts 
                               %    the loop for replacing endline-characters.
    \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\UD@@collectverbarg% <- this "spits out the result.
%%================= End of code for \UDcollectverbarg =========================
%% \response{<reviewer>}{<comment>}{<response>}
%%    adds entries to toc-like-files \jobname.rvdoe or \jobname.rvsmith
%%    and \jobname.rvall
% Now ^^A is used instead of %:
    ^^A #1 = <reviewer>
    ^^A #2 = <verbatimized comment without surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    ^^A #3 = <verbatimized comment with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    ^^A #4 = <verbatimized response without surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    ^^A #5 = <verbatimized response with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
      \par\bigskip\noindent Comment by reviewer #1\\Comment: \scantokens{#2%}\\Response: \scantokens{#4%}^^A
      ^^A #1 = space token
      ^^A ##1 = rv<reviewer>  (filename-extension)
      ^^A ##2 = <reviewer>
      ^^A ##3 = <verbatimized comment without surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
      ^^A ##4 = <verbatimized comment with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
      ^^A ##5 = <verbatimized response without surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
      ^^A ##6 = <verbatimized response with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
  \@innerresponsewritefile{ }^^A
    ^^A #1 = <reviewer>
    ^^A #2 = <verbatimized comment without surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    ^^A #3 = <verbatimized comment with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    ^^A #4 = <verbatimized response without surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    ^^A #5 = <verbatimized response with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    \par\bigskip\noindent Comment by reviewer #1\\Comment: \scantokens{#2%}\\Response: \scantokens{#4%}^^A
    ^^A #1 = <reviewer>
    ^^A #2 = <verbatimized comment without surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    ^^A #3 = <verbatimized comment with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    ^^A #4 = <verbatimized response without surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    ^^A #5 = <verbatimized response with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
    \par\bigskip\noindent Comment: \scantokens{#2%}\\Response: \scantokens{#4%}^^A
}% <- \@firstofone with changed catcodes done.
  % #1 = <reviewer>
  % #2 = <verbatimized comment with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
  % #3 = <verbatimized response with surrounding verbatim-delimiters>
  % #1 = rv<reviewer>  (filename-extension)
  % #2 = <reviewer>
  % #1 = <reviewer>
  % #1 = <reviewer>
%% \listofallresponses
%%   delivers all comments and responses.
%% \dummylistofallresponses
%%   causes the .rvall-file to be written without delivering things into
%%   the document.
  \par\noindent ALL COMMENTS\par
%% \listofreviewersresponses{<reviewer>}%
%%   delivers all comments and responses that belong tp <reviewer>.
%% \dummylistofreviewersresponses{<reviewer>}%
%%   causes the .rv<reviewer>-file to be written without delivering its 
%%   content into the document.
     {\par\noindent COMMENTS BY REVIEWER JOHN DOE\par\@starttoc{rvdoe}}%
     {\par\noindent COMMENTS BY REVIEWER JOHN SMITH\par\@starttoc{rvsmith}}%
    \expandafter\newwrite\csname tf@#1\endcsname
    \immediate\openout\csname tf@#1\endcsname\jobname.#1\relax

\usepackage{verbatim}% <- used only for \verbatiminput

\par\bigskip\noindent\textbf{\jobname.rvall looks like this:}


\par\bigskip\noindent\textbf{\jobname.rvdoe looks like this:}


\par\bigskip\noindent\textbf{\jobname.rvsmith looks like this:}



\InputIfFileExists{\jobname.rvall}{\par\bigskip\noindent\textbf{Inputting \jobname.rvall yields:}}{}

\InputIfFileExists{\jobname.rvdoe}{\par\bigskip\noindent\textbf{Inputting \jobname.rvdoe yields:}}{}%

\InputIfFileExists{\jobname.rvsmith}{\par\bigskip\noindent\textbf{Inputting \jobname.rvsmith yields:}}{}%


% now let's cause the .rvall-file and the .rvdoe-file and the .rvsmith-file
% to be created_
% This will also import the files:
%\listofreviewersresponses{John Smith}%
%\listofreviewersresponses{John Doe}%
% This will cause creation of these files only.
\dummylistofreviewersresponses{John Smith}%
\dummylistofreviewersresponses{John Doe}%

\par\bigskip\noindent\textbf{The text of the main document is:}

\bigskip\noindent Some text.

\response{John Doe}{John Doe's first comment.}{Response to John Doe's first comment.}
\response{John Smith}%
         {John Smith's first comment.}%
         {Response to John Smith's first comment.}
\response{John Doe}{John Doe's second comment. It has verbatim
material: \verb|\TeX is funny|.
}{Response to John Doe's second comment.}
\response{John Smith}%
         {John Smith's second comment.}%
         |Response to John Smith's second comment. 
It has verbatim material 
with unbalanced braces:
\verb+\TeX}}} is funny!+|


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