我应该如何使用 MDPI 模板编制参考书目?

我应该如何使用 MDPI 模板编制参考书目?

当我尝试使用 LaTeX 中的 MDPI 模板编译参考书目时收到此警告:

There were undefined citations.


    \graphicspath{ {Figures/} }


    some text



    % Please provide either the correct journal abbreviation (e.g. according to the “List of Title Word Abbreviations” http://www.issn.org/services/online-services/access-to-the-ltwa/) or the full name of the journal.
    % Citations and References in Supplementary files are permitted provided that they also appear in the reference list here. 

    % References, variant A: external bibliography


这是我的.bib 文件的一个示例:

    author = {Aoki, Hisashi and Matsukura, Yukinori},
    doi = {10.1002/esp},
    file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Elisa/Dropbox (Geomatica{\_}DSFTA)/dottorato Eli/Letteratura/letteratura{\_}strumenti/Equot/Aoki{\_}et{\_}al-2007-A new technique for non-destructive field.pdf:pdf},
    pages = {1759--1769},
    title = {{A new technique for non-destructive field measurement of rock-surface strength : an application of the Equotip hardness tester to}},
    volume = {1769},
    year = {2007}
abstract = {In order to utilize the Equotip hardness tester, originally developed in the field of metallic engineering, as an indirect method to predict the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of rock, laboratory tests were undertaken to establish the UCS, Equotip hardness (L-value) and porosity of nine rock types. Using existing data from Verwaal and Mulder (Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr 30:659 662, 1993) and the results of laboratory tests, an equation relating UCS (MPa) and L-value obtained from single impacts (Ls) and porosity (n {\%})was derived, which provides a close approximation of the UCS value. An equation to relate UCS and Equotip hardness is also presented, although this is less accurate. It is considered Equotip testing has advantages over the commonly used Schmidt hammer test.},
author = {Aoki, Hisashi and Matsukura, Yukinori},
doi = {10.1007/s10064-007-0116-z},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Elisa/Dropbox (Geomatica{\_}DSFTA)/dottorato Eli/Letteratura/letteratura{\_}strumenti/Equot/AOKI{\_}2008{\_}Equotip hardness.pdf:pdf},
issn = {14359529},
journal = {Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment},
keywords = {Equotip hardness tester,Intact rocks,Rock hardness,Unconfined compressive strength},
number = {1},
pages = {23--29},
title = {{Estimating the unconfined compressive strength of intact rocks from Equotip hardness}},
volume = {67},
year = {2008}
    title={Geology of central and eastern Elba Island, Italy},
    author={Bortolotti, Valerio and Fazzuoli, Milvio and Pandeli, Enrico and Principi, Gianfranco and Babbini, Amedeo and Corti, Simone},
    title={Inner Northern Apennines},
    author={Carmignani, Luigi and Decandia, Francesco Antonio and Disperati, Leonardo and Fantozzi, Pier Lorenzo and Kligfield, Roy and Lazzarotto, Antonio and Liotta, Domenico and Meccheri, Marco},
    booktitle={Anatomy of an Orogen: the Apennines and adjacent Mediterranean Basins},
    title={Alps-Apennines and Po Plain-frontal Apennines relations},
    author={Castellarin, Alberto},
    booktitle={Anatomy of an Orogen: the Apennines and adjacent Mediterranean Basins},
    title={Field assessment of rock hardness using the Schmidt test hammer},
    author={Day, MJ},
    journal={British Geomorphology Research Group Technical Bulletin},

我已经尝试使用 Biblatex 但它们似乎不兼容



您不应该在参考书目中添加文件扩展名。尝试用 替换\bibliography{biblio.bib}\bibliography{biblio}在编译之前,从您的工作目录中删除所有不必要的文件(*.aux、*.bbl、*.blg、*.log、*.out、*.pdf)。


下面,我将逐步介绍如何在 MDPI latex 模板中使用 Bibtex。我花了将近三个小时才弄清楚。


  1. 将 bib 文件放入您想要的目录中。对我来说,我会将其放在包含文件的.tex文件夹中。
  2. 要么完全删除,Mdpi.bst要么暂时更改名称。您会在从 Mdpi 网站下载的名为“definitions”的文件夹中找到该文件
  3. \externalbibliography{yes} \bibliography{your reference file}在 tex 文件中取消注释以下内容
  4. 运行一次 tex 文件
  5. mdpi.bst现在,如果您更改了名称,请重新改写名称,或者从 mdpi 下载的文件夹中找到副本
  6. 它会起作用的。你问怎么做。我会说我不知道​​。
  7. 顺便说一句,确保在第 5 步之后引用任何论文。否则,错误将再次出现,很遗憾,您将不得不再次执行这些步骤!!8-更新:我注意到,完成前面的步骤后,将有一个新文件用于参考。出于任何原因,如果您想要更新任何参考或添加新参考,请更新以下文件,而不是 bib 文件 (xxxxxx.bib.bak)
