使用 Windows+miktex 和 macOS+mactex 之间(在兼容性方面)有什么区别吗?

使用 Windows+miktex 和 macOS+mactex 之间(在兼容性方面)有什么区别吗?

我在 macOS 上使用以下方式编译文档时遇到问题Texpad + mactex该文件最初写于视窗虽然作者使用米克泰克斯分配。



这是我的错误(我之前在这里发布过,但被要求提供导致问题的类的定义/示例),这是 \X@artonum 类的错误。


    \@begindocumenthook ...ter \X@rtonum \r@FirstPage 
                                                  } \setcounter {numpages}{-...
l.3 \begin{document}

./m_2019.tex:3: Argument of \X@rtonum has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.3 \begin{document}

Runaway argument?
./m_2019.tex:3: Paragraph ended before \X@rtonum was complete.
<to be read again> 
l.3 \begin{document}

./m_2019.tex:3: Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.3 \begin{document}

Runaway argument?
./m_2019.tex:3: Paragraph ended before \calc@post@scan was complete.
<to be read again> 
l.3 \begin{document}


% counter that will store the total number of pages
% this all has to be done after .aux is read
  % make sure these two cross-referencing commands are defined, at least to \relax
  % \X@rtonum gets the page number from an \r@... command
  % start with zero
  % define \X@FirstPage to store the first page number
    % we store 0 if nothing better is availible
    % we store the real value of \pageref{FirstPage}, just the problem is that \pageref itself is unexpandable
    % the larger FirstPage, the smaller number of pages
    % correction by 1
  % the same again for LastPage
    % the larger LastPage, the larger number of pages
  % \AP@page stores the correct first page number
% \AP@{<article>}{<key>}{<value>} is stored in the file <issue>.ap and is loaded at the end of the class-file
    % store the <article> key
    % define \AP@<key> = <value> but only if <article> is correct
      \expandafter\xdef\csname AP@#2\endcsname{#3}%

这是 m_paper.tex



\title[Evaluation of Hopkinson Bar Experiments using multiple DIC tools]{Evaluation of Hopkinson Bar Experiments using multiple Digital
Image Correlation Software Tools}
\correspondingauthor[Joe Doe]{Joe Doe}{my}{[email protected]}
\author[J. Doe]{John Doe}{their}
\author[J. Doe_2]{Joh Doe_2}{my}
\author[J. D\'{a}mal]{John D\'{a}mal }{my}
\author[J. D\'{a}mal]{J. D\'{a}mal}{my}
\institution{my}{University Czech}
\institution{their}{University Germany} 

This is abstract

\keywords{keyword_1, keyword_2, keyword_3, keyword_4}


First section

\mbox{The research was supported by ...}




该类无法在当前的 texsystem 中工作,可能是 miktex 或 texlive,它包含\@ifundefined{r@FirstPage}{\relax}{\relax}依赖于不再存在的副作用的代码()。




shell-escape除非文档使用(\write18)并运行 Windows 命令, 否则 miktex 和 texlive/mactex 在文档级别基本上没有区别。

更有可能的是,两个系统安装了不同版本的 latex 和软件包,即使两个系统都运行 miktex 或 texlive,也会发生这种情况。

