

当我意识到 A4 纸和信纸之间的尺寸差异时,我决定改变我的论文的几何形状。当我从 A4 纸换成信纸时,Latex 开始在我的标题前产生一个烦人的空白页。我该如何摆脱它?我的 MWE 是


\def\Unam{Universidad Nacional Aut\'{o}noma de M\'{e}xico}
\def\Ier{Instituto de Energ\'{i}as Renovables}
\def\Ii{Instituto de Ingenier\'{i}a}
\def\Titulo{Topological impact of nano-electrodes on the structure of the electrical double layer and the differential capacitance}
\def\Yo{Adri\'{a}n Silva Caballero}
\def\Marcelo{Dr. Marcelo Lozada y Cassou}
\def\Lugar{Temixco, Mor.}
\def\fecha{12 de marzo de 2020}
\def\fechaingles{March 12, 2020}

        % Left layout - Logos
            \hskip 2pt\vrule width 2pt height 187mm
            \hskip 1mm\vrule width 1pt height 187mm\\[10pt]
        \end{minipage}\hskip 10pt
        % Right layout - Titles
            % University, institute, department and title
            \resizebox{,99\columnwidth}{!}{{\Large\scshape \Unam}}
            \vspace{3mm}\hrule height 2pt
            \vspace{1mm}\hrule height 1pt
            {\large\scshape \Ier\\[1pt]\Ii}\\[3pt]
            % Title
            % Degree, author, supervisor and date
            {\Large \textbf{T E S I S}}\\[3pt]
            \small QUE PARA OBTENER EL TÍTULO DE\\[8pt]
            {\large\scshape Ingeniero en Energías Renovables}

            \textbf{P R E S E N T A}\\[4pt]
            {\large\scshape \Yo}

            {\small\bf DIRECTOR DE TESIS}\\[2pt]
            {\scshape \Marcelo}

            {\scshape {\relax}{\hfill}{\Lugar, a \fecha}}

        {\setstretch{1.2}\Large\bfseries \Titulo}\\[15pt]
        {\Large \Yo}
        Thesis presented to obtain the title of
        Engineer in Renewable Energies
        in the
        {{\scshape \Ier}}\\[20pt]
        \Lugar.\, \fechaingles





Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [1]
Overfull \vbox (46.20601pt too high) has occurred while \output is active

这是什么意思?LaTeX 发现第一页中的对​​象太大,因此强制弹出几乎空白的页面(第一页中总是有一些不可见的内容,后面跟着一个可行的分页点),从而产生该消息Underfull \vbox (badness 10000)

接下来 TeX 尝试将对象放入下一页,但无法做到,因此它发出一条Overfull \vbox消息并继续前进(标题页中没有可行的分页点)。

显然问题出在minipages 的垂直尺寸上,它被设置为 257 毫米,这对于比 A4 纸高度低的 Letter 纸来说太大了。

超出部分为 46.2pt,对应 16.24mm。

如果我将 257mm 改为 240mm,空白页就会消失。
